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    • 1、義守大學國際商務學系教師升等初審辦法義守大學國際商務學系教師升等初審辦法 Regulations for Department-level Examination of Faculty Promotion Applications by Department of International Business of I-Shou University 997月25日校長核定公告全文 Approved and promulgated with full text by President on July 25, 2010 一、 本辦法依據本校教師升等辦法第二十條訂定。 Article 1 The Regulations are established in accordance to Article 26 of the Regulations for Faculty Promotion at I-Shou University. 二、 本系教師升等之申請、推薦及審查,悉依本辦法、院校與教育部相關辦法及法規定辦。 Article 2 The applications, recommenda

      2、tions, evaluations of teachers promotion are pursuant to the regulations prescribed by the teachers promotion of college, university and relevant rules and regulations of the Ministry of Education. 三、 本系教師申請升等,其資格、服務資、專門著作及教學服務績效須符合本辦法相關規定,方得提出申請。 Article 3 To be eligible for applying for applying for faculty promotion, faculty members qualifications, length of service, research publications, teaching and service achievements must conform to the stipulated regulations. 四、 本系專任教師其現職經教育部審定合格後,得依下各

      3、職級升等資格條件之一,申請升等審查: Article 4 The full-time faculty members, whose current academic ranking is approved by the Ministry of Education, are eligible for applying promotion in one of the following categories: (一) 講師升助教授: (1) Lecturers applying for promotion to be assistant professors: 1. 具有博士學位或其同等學證書,成績優,並有專門著作者。 a. Faculty with Ph.D degree or equivalent academic diploma and with good performance attainments and research publications. 2. 具有碩士學位或其同等學證書,曾從事與所習學科有關之研究工作、專門職業或職務四以上,成績優,並有專門著作者。 b. Facu

      4、lty with Master degree or equivalent academic diploma. Engaged in academic researches related to majored disciplinary areas. At least four years of full-time professional experiences or appointment. Good performance attainments and with research publications. 3. 曾任講師三以上,成績優,並有專門著作者。 c. Three years of lecturer experiences. Good performance attainments and have research publications. (二) 助教授升副教授: (2) Assistant professors applying for promotion to be associate professors: 1. 具有博士學位或其同等學證書,曾從事與所習學科有

      5、關之研究工作、專門職業或職務四以上,並有專門著作者。 a. Faculty with Ph.D degree or equivalent academic diploma. Engaged in academic researches related to majored disciplinary areas. At least four years of full-time professional experiences or appointment. Good performance attainments and with research publications. 2. 曾任助教授三以上,成績優,並有專門著作者。 b. Three years of assistant professor appointment. Good performance attainments and with research publications. (三) 副教授升教授: (3) Associate professors applying for promotion to be Profe

      6、ssor: 1. 具有博士學位或其同等學證書,曾從事與所習學科有關之研究工作、專門職業或職務八以上,有創作或發明,在學術上有重要貢獻或重要專門著作者。 a. Faculty with PhD degree or equivalent academic diploma. Engaged in academic researches related to majored disciplinary areas. At least four years of full-time professional experiences or appointment. Good performance attainments and with research publications. 2. 曾任副教授三以上,成績優,並有重要專門著作者。 b. Three years of associate professor appointment. Good performance attainments and with research publications. 前項第一款第一目以博士學位升等助教授者,其

      7、審查程序比照新聘教師規定。 Applicant with PhD who applies for faculty promotion to assistant professor in the preceding clause, Section 1, Item 1, the examination procedure is applicable to the rule of appointment of new faculty members. 由他校專任教職轉任本校教職者,其服務資應予採計,但在本校任教至少滿一,方可提出申請升等。 Full-time faculty members who were formerly employed at other institutions, their previous service years are taken into account. However, at least one full year service at present school is required for filing faculty promotion ap

      8、plication. 以第一項有關研究工作、專門職業或職務之資申請升等時,須在本校任教至少滿一方可提出。 Those who use research works, years of service in professional occupations for faculty promotion should at least have one year of service work in order to apply for promotion. 五、 教育人員任用條修正施前已取得講師、助教證書之現職人員且繼續任教未中斷,並取得博士學位者,得選擇逕送副教授資格,如審查未獲通過,得申請送審助教授資格。 前項先以博士學位獲升等為助教授之人員,如欲申請副教授者,得再以該畢業文或其文之一部分提出申請,須另以取得助教授資格後所發表之著作或作品,依教育人員任用條第三十條之一規定送審,其資受限制,其餘比照一般升等案件辦升等。 Article 5 Those who had received lecturer certificate, teaching assistant certificate

      9、 with continuous teaching appointments can apply to be associate professor upon recipient of PhD degree. If the assessment failed, application for assistant professor level can be preceded. For those who attain assistant professorship using PhD qualification, part of their dissertation or essays cannot be used for their future application for associate professorship Publications or works published after the attainment of assistant status are required for consideration for promotion to be associate professor, employing Clause 30-1, education personnel appointment regulations. No restrictions on years of service are imposed and the other requirements follow regular cases for faculty promotion. 、 本辦法第四條各款所定服務資,依下方式計算: Article 6 The years of service mentioned in Article 4, the calculations are as follow: (一) 研究工作、專門職業或職務之資,依服務機關(構)正式核發之服務證明所載起迄月計算。 (1) The years of service in research, professional occupations are calculated i


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