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    • 1、必修三必修三 Unit1 小练习小练习一、单词拼写一、单词拼写1.Many children _(饿死) to death in Africa for lack of food. 2.They thought if they held some festivals, their _(祖先) would be satisfied with what they had done. 3.The colour of our (nation)flag is red with five yellow stars on it.4.Under the leadership of our party, we finally got (independent) from the other countries.5.At the beginning of the year, farmers usually have a lot of _ (agriculture)work to do.6.The (风俗)of some European countries are quite different from

      2、ours.7.The (西瓜)is a kind of fruit, which is quite famous in our city.8.I hope you will always be (energy)when having classes.9.Without the teachers (permit) ,you cannot play with the computer in our class.10.He cheated her,which she would never (原谅).二、语法填空二、语法填空Christmas is the biggest festival in Britain and 11. _ (celebrate) on 25th December. The four weeks before Christmas are called Advent 耶稣降临节, and are traditionally celebrated in churches by lighting 12. _ candle each Sunday during Advent.

      3、 Nowadays, many people in Britain are not very religious, 13._, they still celebrate Christmas. But watch out the preparations begin long 14. _ Advent. In fact, as early as September or October, you start to see signs that Christmas is on the way.So what do people buy to prepare 15._ Christmas? They often prepare Christmas 16 _ (decorate), Christmas cards to be sent to their friends, presents for their loved ones and beautiful wrapping paper. And of course food! Apart from the special Christmas

      4、dinner of roast turkey or goose, people buy lots of chocolates, nuts and snacks for everyone17. _ (enjoy).But the children are the 18. _ (happy) when Christmas is coming. They start making lists of presents they would like, and give 19. _ to their parents. In December, they can also open their Advent calendars, 20. _ is a way of counting down to Christmas. They have a window to open for every day from 1st-24th December.三、完成句子三、完成句子21.你和他有一方完全正确。 _ is wholly right.22.不仅他的父母,而且他最好的朋友都鼓励他出国。_ encou

      5、rages him to go abroad. 23.他总是信守诺言,他是个守信用的人He always _;he is _ 24.我确信这件事最终会有好结局的。Im sure it will _ well in the end. 25.埃文斯先生宣读考试成绩时,我们都屏息静听。 We _while Mr. Evans read the exam results26.他在相声方面的成就受人仰慕。He _ his work on crosstalk. 27. 没有人能识破我的纸牌戏法。_ how I did the card tricks.28. 最近我的体重增加了。Ive _recently.29. 他们在沙漠中迷路了,饥饿而死。 They _in the desert and _30.并非每个人都善于记英语单词。Not everyone _ English words. 四、短文改错四、短文改错下列句子中,每句有一处错误,仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号() ,并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该

      6、词下面写出修改的词。 注意:每处错误及其修改均限一词。While traveled to Paris on a bus, I became very sick.A well-dressing man on the bus helped me greatly. He took me off the bus, found out where the doctors office and took me to there himself. The next day, he came to visit me. I didnt speak French well, so I cant talk with him very much. However, even if we couldnt talk, but we could communicate.I communicated myself thanks to his great kindness, and he communicated his concern for my healthy. Through this experience I

      7、 have learned that communication can took place without much actual language at all. 必修三必修三 Unit1 单元复习题答案单元复习题答案一、单词拼写1. starved 2. ancestors 3. national 4. independence 5. agricultural6. customs 7. watermelon 8. energetic 9. permission 10. forgive二、语法填空11. is celebrated 12. a 13. however 14. before 15. for 16. decorations 17. to enjoy 18. happiest 19. them 20. which 三、完成句子21. Either you or he 22. Not only his parents but also his best friend23. keeps his word, a man of his word 24. turn out 25. held our breath 26. was admired for 27. No one could work out 28. gained weight 29. got lost , starved to death. 30. has a good memory for四、短文改错31. traveledtraveling 32. well-dressingwell-dressed 33. office 后加 was34. 去 to 35.cantcouldnt 36.去 but 37. myselfmy 38.tofor 39.healthyhealth 40.tooktake


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