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    • 1、1 阅读常考词汇,考前必背!act against 消灭,消除;淘汰a hint of 少许,微量all but 几乎,差一点I all but stumbled 我差点儿摔跤all but impossible 几乎不可能all the more 更加,愈发anything but 决不=not I will do anything but go there我决不去那里anything more than 不仅仅是as yet 到目前为止As yet we haven t heard from him yet 到目前为止,我们还没有收到他的来信at a moment s notice 提前很短时间通知We are ready to go at a moment s notice 我们已准备好,一接到通知马上就出发to be at odds with 和矛盾,意见不一致at one stroke 一笔,一举at stake 存亡攸关,危若垒卵The life of the sick man is at stake 病人危在旦夕be at issue 在争论中,不合的;待裁决的be bo

      2、und to 必然会,注定be free from 没有 摆脱 be oneself (人)处于正常状态(精神身体方面);显得自然(或真诚)be preferable to 相对于 更可取be subject to 受支配,常遭受.从属于 . They are subject to repeated challenges on the basis of new evidence 他们常遭受建立在新证据基础上的挑战breathing spell 喘息的机会building blocks 基石;基础材料by far 到目前为止by and large 很大程度上call for 要求call into question 对提出质疑capitalize on 利用capitalize on the opponent s mistake 利用对手的错误cash in on 赚钱,获利cash in on a best-seller靠畅销书赚钱close the books (为结帐等目的)停止入账;了结,中止close the books on a case 结案collective cons

      3、ciousness 集体意识cutting edge 刀锋,最前沿The company is at the television miniaturization 该公司在电视机微型化方面处于领先地位dote on 溺爱dote on one s only grandchild 溺爱自己的独苗孙子exact from . 向强求索取exact obedience from sb.强要某人服从2 expose .to 使.暴露于expressly 特意地,专程地,tools designed expressly for left-handed workers 特意为左撇子而设计的工具fact-finding 实情调查的fall into a rut 陷入陈规,落入俗套fall into a conversational rut 开始了老调重谈的谈话family style 家常便饭式地fool around 闲荡,干蠢事fool s errand徒劳的工作from the outset 从一开始起give-and-take 公平交易,互相让步,互相迁就Negotiation entail

      4、s give-and-take 协商需要互相体谅They sat down for a lengthy give-and-take 他们坐下来作了一次长谈give rise to 引起,发生give way to 让位于,让步给,屈服于hard-nosed 倔强的;精明而讲究实际的have one s day走运,正在风光的时候Every dog has its day 每个人都有春风得意的时候have yet to 尚有待于He has yet to make a serious blunder 他还要犯大错的heretofore 到目前为止hit show 风行一时的演出if at all 如果真有的话if at all possible 如果真有可能的话in effect 实际上in full bloom 全盛时期in retrospect 回想起来It was, in retrospect, one of the worst mistakes I ever made 回想起来,这是我一生所犯的罪严重的错误In so far as 在的范围内,到.的程度I think it is

      5、 better that we trust each other in so far as we can while our business association lasts. 我以为我们应当在我们的企业协会存续期间尽可能相互信任in that 既然,因为(书面用语)In that he refused to accept the proposal, he showed that he is not very interested 既然他拒绝了这个建议,这表明他对此不是很感兴趣Criticism and self-criticism is necessary in that it helps us to correct our mistakes 批评与自我批评是必要的,因为它能帮助我们改正错误in themselves 就其本身而言lay off 解雇;关闭;停止活动leave sb. open to 致使某人陷入 的境地long-standing 长时间的,为时甚久的look to 指望You can t look to him to do it for you 你别指望他给你做

      6、这事儿matter of duty 义不容辞的事情,义无反顾之事情more often than not 经常,时常,往往,多半3 more than ever 尤其not so muchas与其说是 .不如说是 . He is not so much a writer as a reporter 他与其说是个作家,不如说是个记者Nonetheless 虽然如此,但是notwithstanding 尽管other than 而不是The truth is quite other than what you think. 事情真相与你想的完全不同。I do not wish her other than she is. 我不希望她改变目前的样子otherwise 否则,以另外的方式;在其他方面He thinks otherwise. 他不这样认为He is otherwise engaged. 他正另外有事I could do no otherwise than laugh 我禁不住笑起来The article is long, but no otherwise blameworthy.

      7、 这篇文章就是长,其他倒没有什么不好An otherwise perfect picture 一副美中不足的画pass up放弃,拒绝(拒绝等)(口语多用)rank-and-file 普通士兵,普通成员recourse to 求助get over one s difficulties without recourse to outside help 不求外援克服困难regarding 关于,至于regardless of 不管,无论resort to 求助,凭借,诉诸rule of thumb 掐指算算,毛估估,单凭经验来做的方法。sail through 轻而易举地获得成功,顺利地通过set aside 撤销,驳回,宣布无效set aside a verdict 取消一项判决不顾,把 置于一旁set aside all objections 不顾一切反对spring from 起源于status quo ante 原状,以前的状态status quo 现状take exception to 对 .反对,对 表示满意异议,生气,不悦take issue with 与.争论take li

      8、berties with 对人放肆随便,过分亲昵You ve taken too many liberties with her . 你对她太随便了随意对待,歪曲事实Take few liberties with the original narrative 没有对原先的叙述作太多的改动take over 接管,接任trade infor . 以(旧物)折价贴换同类新物trade an old bicycle in for a new one 把旧自行车折价贴换新车trade off 交替使用,换掉,卖掉turn down 拒绝by and large 很大程度上4 留言:请同学记得一定把例句背下来。这份资料请在临考前做再一次的复习强记!英语中的修辞Understatement 掩饰,低调定义: understatement is a form of speech in which a lesser expression is used than what would be expected. 掩饰是一种使用比预想的程度轻的修辞形式特点;用轻描淡写的语言描写很严重的事情。注意区别委婉语

      9、(用礼貌的表达取代粗鲁严苛的说法)用法:It was not the best thing to do. 我做的却是不是最好的事情。This isn t what I usually do. 我平常行事可不是这样的1982 年 6 月 24 日,英国航空九号航班从科伦坡飞往珀斯途中,火山灰使波音747 的所有 4 个引擎全部失灵,尽管飞机快速地下降,时间紧迫,机长仍旧向所有乘客作出以下广播Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking. We have a small problem. All four engines have stopped. We are doing our damnedest to get them going again. I trust you are not in too much distress. Pun 一语双关定义: An amusing use of word or phrase which has several meanings or which sounds like another word 用一种幽默的方式来使用单词或词组,使其有多种含义或听起来像其它单词特点:文字游戏用法:Professor : Order, please. Let s begin our class. Order! Naughty students: Beer .please. Order 可以解释“点菜”或“秩序”Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana. (fly 双关,这里表示苍蝇)A bicycle can not stand on its own because it is two-tyred. Customer: waiter, what soup is this? Waiter: It s bean soup, sir. Customer: I do not care what it was. I want to know what it is now. Customer: Waiter, what s wrong with t


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