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    • 1、Table 5 Factors and factor loadings for the items of the Persian version of the Padua Inventory that loaded over 0.40 on their corresponding factor ( n 219) Item Loading Factor I:Impaired control over mental activities 26. I find it difficult to take decisions, even about unimportant matters 0.41 27. Sometimes I am not sure I have done things which in fact I know I have done 0.51 28. I have the impression that I will never be able to explain things clearly, specially when talking about important

      2、 matters that involve me 0.52 29. After doing something carefully, I still have the impression I have either done it badly or not finished it 0.54 30. I am sometimes late because I keep on doing certain things more often than necessary 0.46 31. I invent doubts and problems about most of things I do 0.61 32. When I start thinking of certain things, I become obsessed with them 0.57 33. Unpleasant thoughts come into my mind against my will and I cannot get rid of them 0.69 34. Obsession or dirty wo

      3、rds come into my mind and I cannot get rid of them 0.62 35. My brain constantly goes its own way and I find it difficult to attend to what is happening round me 0.66 36. I imagine catastrophic consequences as a result of absent-mindedness or minor errors which I make 0.80 37. I think or worry at length about having hurt someone without knowing it 0.53 38. When I hear about disaster, I think it is somehow my fault 0.49 39. I sometimes worry at length for no reason that I have hurt myself or have

      4、some disease 0.64 42. When I read I have the impression I have missed something important and must go back and reread the passage at least two or three times 0.51 43. I worry about remembering completely unimportant things and make an effort not to forget them 0.72 44. When a thought or doubt comes into my mind, I have to examine it from all points of view and cannot stop until I have done so 0.54 45. In certain situations I am afraid of losing my self-control and doing embarassing things 0.53 F

      5、actor II:Checking behaviors 14. I feel obliged to follow a particular order in dressing, undressing and washing myself 0.42 15. Before going to sleep I have to do certain things in a certain order 0.44 18. I have to do things several times before I think they are properly done 0.67 19. I tend to keep on checking things more often than necessary 0.67 20. I check and recheck gas an water tabs and light switches after turning them off 0.7721. I return home to check doors, windows, drawers, etc., to

      6、 make sure they are properly shut 0.73 22. I keep on checking forms, documents; checks, etc. in detail, to make sure I have filled them in corrrectly 0.70 23. I keep on going back to see that matches, cigarettes, etc. are properly extinguished 0.64 24. When I handle money I count and recount it several times 0.67 25. I check letters carefully many times before posting them 0.66 27. Sometimes I am not sure I have done things which in fact I know I have done 0.51 29. After doing something carefull

      7、y, I still have the impression I have either done it badly or not finished it 0.41 30. I am sometimes late because I keep on doing certain things more often than necessary 0.48 31. I invent doubts and problems about most of things I do 0.43 Factor III. Urges and worries of loosing control over motor behaviors 40. I sometimes start counting objects for no reason 0.50 M.A. Goodarzi, A. Firoozabadi / Behaviour Research and Therapy 43 (2005) 4354 48 solution. These factors were retained and subjecte

      8、d to Varimax orthogonal rotation. Table 5 presents the factor loadings of each item after Varimax rotation. The first factor (18 items) had an eigenvalue equal to 14.95 and accounted for 24.9% of the variance and was termed Impaired control over mental activities. Fifteen items that loaded on this factor replicated similar items which loaded on this factor in Sanavios (1980)study. His 14th and 15th items on this factor (nos. 59 and 11) loaded 0.37 and 0.37 on this factor in our study, thus not m

      9、aking the 0.40 criterion (item 59 When I hear about a suicide or a crime, I am upset for a long time and find it difficult to stop thinking about it, item 11, When doubts and worries come to my mind, I cannot rest until I have talked them over with a reassuring per- son). Our results also had three additional items (39, 42, 45). Items 42 and 45 have also loaded on factor 1 in Strenberger and Burnss (1990) study. The second factor (14 items) had an eigenvalue equal to 4.9 and accounted for 8.2% of the variance and was termed Checking Behaviors. All the items which loaded onSanavios (1980) Table 5 ( continued ) Item Loading 46. When I look down from a bridge or a very high window, I feel an impulse to throw myself into space 0.75 47. When I see a train approaching I sometimes think I could throw myself under its wheels 0.58 48. At certain moments I am tempted to tear off my clothes in public 0.55 49. While driving I sometimes feel an impulse to drive the car into s


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