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    • 1、教材课文语法填空(教材课文语法填空(book I-5)阅读下面课文缩写材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形 式(不多于 3 个单词) 。Book 1 Module 1My name is Li Kang. I live in Shijiazhuang, _1_ capital city of Hebei Province. It is my first day at Senior High school and Im writing down my _2_(think) about it.In my school, the teachers are enthusiastic and _3_(friend) and the classrooms are amazing. Our English is a very enthusiastic woman _4_(call) Ms Shen. Her method of teaching is nothing like _5_ of my Junior High school. I dont think Ill be _6_(bo

      2、re) in her class. She wants to improve our spelling and handwriting. We do this _7_ a fun way, with spelling games and other activities. I like her attitude very much, and the _8_(behave) of other students _9_(show) that they like her, too.There are forty-nine girls and sixteen boys in our class. And everybody in our class is hard-working. Im looking forward to _10_(do) the homework tonight.Book 1 Module 2 My first _1_(impress) of Mrs. Li, a kind and patient teacher, was that she was nervous and

      3、 shy. But now, the class likes working _2_ her because she explains English grammar so _3_(clear) and avoids _4_(make) students feel stupid. Mrs. Chen, almost 60, is very strict. Shes also very serious and doesnt smile much. Some of our classmates doesnt like her, but most of us really appreciate it _5_ her teaching is so well _6_(organize) and clear.Mr. Wu has only _7_(teach) us for two weeks and hes already very popular. The young teacher, about 28, has got so much energy _8_ this is one class

      4、 you do not fall asleep in! Hes really amusing and tells _9_(joke) when he thinks were getting _10_(bore). I respect him a lot.Book 1 Module 3Alice Thompson is a girl from Sydney, Australia. She had her first long _1_ (distant) train ride at the age of 18. Together with a friend, she got _2_ the famous Ghan train in Sydney and got off in Alice Springs. During the two days and nights, they ate meals _3_(cook) by experts and saw fields, desert and _4_(abandon) farms. In the daytime, Alice talked t

      5、o other passengers and read some books. At night, she watched the stars in the sky _5_ shone like diamonds.Why is the train _6_(call) the Ghan? It is short for Afghanistan. A long time ago, Australians wanted to travel to the middle of their country, so they brought some _7_ (train) camels from Afghanistan _8_ (carry) food and other supplies, and returned with wool and other _9_ (produce). They did that until _10_ 1920s, when the government built a new railway line and took the place of camels.B

      6、ook 1 module 4Xiao Lis hometown _1_(lie) in the northwest of Xiamen, is one of the most _2_(attract), interesting and lively places. The people there are _3_(friend). It is hot and wet in the summer _4_ it can be quite cold in the winter. Every year thousands of _5_(tour) come to visit its beautiful scenery. In the business district, lots of high-rising buildings _6_(put) up, and the rent is very high. There are some great shopping malls, too. The western district is _7_ most interesting part of

      7、 the city, _8_ there are many pretty parks. There is a nice little restaurant near the parks and you can park there to have a rest or a big meal when you are _9_(starve) or tired. Gulangyu Island is a gorgeous one _10_ some really interesting architecture.Book 1 module 5Metals are very _1_(importance) in the world. Different metals have different uses. For example, steel _2_(use) in cars, and iron is used in _3_(electricity) equipment. When we use metals, _4_ is very important _5_(know) they rea

      8、ct _6_ different substances, for example, water and oxygen. The _7_ (react) of metals with these substances can _8_(put) in order. Potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, aluminium and zinc react most _9_ copper and iron react _10_(little).Book 1 module 6The Internet is the biggest source of information in the world, _1_ consists of millions of pages of data.It _2_(date) back to 1969 when a US defense _3_(organize) developed a way for all their computers to “talk” to each other through the teleph

      9、one. Thus DARPANET, a network of computers came into being. _4_ it was only used be the US army. Then in 1984, the NSF started the NSFNET network, which became _5_(know) as the Inter- Network. Later an English scientist came up _6_ the idea of World Wide Web while he _7_(work) in Switzerland in 1989. He designed the first “web browser”, _8_(allow) computer users _9_(access) documents from other computers. From that moment on, the Internet grew. Within five years, _10_ number of Internet users rose from 600,000 to 40 million.Book 2 module 1Last week, Zhou Kai was ill. He was stupid enough _1_(play) football in the rain _2_ a jacket on, although h


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