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    • 1、项目一项目名称:北京市板桥创意天承产业基地多功能用地招商项目单位:北京市板桥创意天承产业基地管理委员会(北京市板桥创意天承投资发展中心)所属行业:现代服务业项目地点:北京市顺义区赵全营镇牛板路板桥段 43 号项目总投资:100 亿左右招商意向:(1)企业总部;(2)金融产业;(3)文化创意产业;(4 )软件和信息服务业;(5)商业、服务业。项目市场前景:项目所指产业基地是北京市重点建设小城镇赵全营镇核心区的重要组成部分,总体规划面积 2 平方公里,首期规划面积 1 平方公里。京承高速从基地经过,并在基地的西南和东北两个方向设有出入口。周边与怀昌路、昌金路、白马路、天北路、北六环、机场北线相连,距首都机场 14 公里,距北四环 23 公里,距市中心 30 公里,交通十分便捷。目前,小城镇建设已经全面展开,2012 前将完成 100 万平方米的住宅,以及学校、医院等公共服务配套设施建设,规划目标是建成赵全营镇政治、经济、文化中心,集文化创意产业、总部经济、出版印刷业等多元经济元素于一体,环境优美、城镇特色突出的北京近郊生态宜居小城镇。项目建设期:24 个月左右项目简介: 板桥创意天承产业基

      2、地,成立于 2007 年 6 月,是顺义区重点经济功能区之一,现已成功纳入中关村国家自主创新示范区,成为顺义科技园所属的空港软件信息产业园。基地位于顺义新城西北部,重点发展镇赵全营镇中心区内,紧邻首都机场、新国展中心和奥林匹克水上公园,周边环境优美、气候宜人,辖区内无工业污染企业,地下还拥有丰富的地热资源。基地用地性质全部为多功能用地(F3) ,容积率为 1.42.0,建筑控制高度为2460 米,建筑密度和绿化率均为 30%35%。基地内部市政基础设施已经实现“七通一平” 。基地一期征地 400 亩已经成功上市,二期征地正在积极办理当中。企业简介:北京市板桥创意天承产业基地管理委员会是顺义区政府所属正处级事业单位,全面负责基地的管理和服务工作;北京市板桥创意天承投资发展中心是顺义区属全民所有制企业,注册资金 10000 万元,经营范围是在基地管委会的指导下对基地进行开发建设。管委会与投资发展中心合署办公,现有“六部两室”八个职能部门,员工总数 40 人,全部为大专以上学历。其他说明:基地产业定位是:打造以总部经济,金融产业,文化创意产业,特别是软件和信息服务业为主的高端现代服务业基地。

      3、联系人:樊志扩电话:01060442855传真:01060442855E-mail:网址:http:/(英文)Name of Project: Beijing Banqiao Tiancheng Creative Industry Base Multi-functional land investmentSponsor Enterprise: Beijing Banqiao Tiancheng Creative Industry Base Management Committee( Beijing Banqiao chuangyitiancheng investment and development center).Industry Belonging: Modern service industryConstruction Site: No.43 Niuban Road Banqiao Section Zhaoquanying town, Shunyi Dist. Beijing, China.Total Investment: About 10 billion RMB.Inten

      4、tions: (1)Head office:, (2) finance, (3) cultural innovation, (4) software and information service, (5) business and service.Market: The Base is located in northwestern part of Shunyi New Town,one of the main developing town-Zhao Quan Ying, The total planned area is 2 k, and developed area is 1k. Jingcheng Express way has two exits in the area of the Base, namely Changjin Road Exit and Tianbei Road Exit. The base is connected with huaichang road , changjin road ,baima road ,tianbei road , northe

      5、rn 6th ring road and the north line of the capital airport. The base is 14 km from Capital International Airport, 23 km from North Ring 4th, and 30 km form city proper. The transportation is very convenient. Currently, Urban construction is in full swing. By the end of 2012, one million square meters of residential district will be completed,with schools,hospitals and some public service facilities.The target is to build political, economic and cultural center of Zhao Quanying Town.The Base will

      6、 be built into a complex of business office, headquarters economy, creative industries, tourism, recreation and other economic elements. A beautiful environment and attractive modern service industry base will be in Beijing suburbs.Construction Period: about 24 months.Introduction to the Project: Banqiao Tiancheng Creative Industry Base was established in June, 2007,as a dispatched organization of local government in Shunyi District, which has been successfully included in Zhongguancun National

      7、Independent Innovation Demonstration District, and now is an airport software industrial park belonged to Shunyi Science Park. The Base is located in the center of Zhaoquanying Town, a prioritized town in the northwest of Shunyi Newtown. It is close to Beijing Capital International Airport, New International Convention & Exposition Center, and Olympic Overwater Company. It has beautiful surroundings and pleasant climate. Meanwhile, there is abundant geothermal resources underground and no indust

      8、rially-polluted enterprise inside this district.All the land of the Base are multifunctional(F3).Volume rate : 1.4-2.0. Building Height Control: 24-60 meters height. Building density: 30% - 35%. Green rate: 30% - 35%.Base has seven connections and one leveling. Now, 400 acres of land acquisition of the base at the first period have already appeared on the market. Land acquisition at the second period is actively processed.Introduction to Enterprise: Beijing Banqiao Chuangyi Tiancheng Industrial

      9、Base Management Committee is an office-level government-sponsored institution owned by Shunyi District government. It is fully in charge of management and service of the base. Beijing Banqiao Chuangyi Tiancheng Investment Developing Center is a state-owned enterprise belonged to Shunyi District. It has 10,000,000 Yuan of registered capital. The managing area covers the whole base which is developed and constructed under the leadership of the Management Committee. The Management Committee, merged with the Investment Developing Center for administration, consists of eight functional departments “ six departments and two offices”.The existing staff of 40companies,is a specialist university above .Remark: The orientation of base industry is to build a modern service base majoring in economical, financial, and cultural innovation industries, especially in software and informational service indus


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