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    • 1、第 1 页 共 6 页专题十 动词的时态I、重点难点解析高考中通常是把时态和语境结合起来考查。题干中往往没有明确的时间状语,需要考生搜索出时间参照信息。英语有 16 种时态,中学阶段常用的是 10 种。一 动词的基本形式一览表二 常用 10 种动词时态的构成及其常用时间状语一览表时 态 构 成 常用时间状语一般现在时 动词原形(第三人称单数+s 等) always, usually, often, sometimes, every,etc.一般过去时 动词过去式 yesterday, the day before yesterday, the other day, last,ago, etc.will(shall)+动词原形一般将来时be going to+动词原形tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next, in two days, etc.过去将来时 would+动词原形 多用于间接引语的宾语从句中将来进行时 will(shall)+be+现在分词 at eight( this time)tomorrow, etc.现在进行时 am(is, are

      2、 )+现在分词 now, during these days, etc.过去进行时 was(were)+现在分词 at eight( this time)yesterday, etc.现在完成时 have(has)+过去分词 already, just, yet, since, for, etc.形式 变化规则 构成方法 例词原形 see, finish, teach一般情况 加-s looklooks, write writes以 ch, sh, s, x 结尾 加-es teach teaches, finishfinishesguessguesses, mixmixes以 o 结尾 加-es dodoes, gogoes现在时第三人称单数形式以 “辅音字母y” 结尾 变 y 为 i ,加-es trytries, crycries一般情况 加-ed staystayed, looklooked以不发音 e 结尾 直接加-d decide decided, hopehoped以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母双写这个辅音字母再加-ed stopstopped, admitadm

      3、itted过去式过去分词规则变化以 “辅音字母y” 结尾 变 y 为 i ,加-ed carrycarried, trytried一般情况 加-ing gogoing, readreading以不发音 e 结尾 去 e,再加-ing havehaving, writewriting现在分词以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母双写这个辅音字母再加-ingcutcutting, runrunning第 2 页 共 6 页过去完成时 had+过去分词 by,before, etc.现在完成进行时 have(has)+been+现在分词 for, since, etc.三 注意以下几种时态的区别1. 一般过去时和现在完成时1)一般过去时只表示过去发生的动作或状态,常和表过去的时间状语连用,即仅谈过去,不关现在。I wrote a letter this morning. (只说明写了一封信的事实 )2)现在完成时表示过去发生的动作或状态,但和现在有联系,可能刚结束,也可能继续下去。不能和表过去的时间状语连用,译成汉语时可加“已经”。I have written a letter this m

      4、orning. (我已经写了一封信,有继续写第二封的可能,现在还是早上。)2. 一般过去时和过去进行时1)一般过去时侧重于说明发生某动作的事实。It rained heavily last night.昨晚雨下得很大。( 强调下雨,并不强调持续时间)2)过去进行时侧重于强调某动作的持续过程或表示动作在进行。It was raining cats and dogs last night 昨晚整整一夜都在下倾盆大雨。(强调没停,一直持续)3. 现在完成时和现在完成进行时1) 现在完成时在含义上着重表示动作的结果。I have read that book. (已读完)2)现在完成进行时着重表示动作一直在进行,即动作的延续性。I have been reading that book all the morning.( 还没读完 )II、实战演练用所给动词或根据中文提示填入动词的正确形式1. 1)-Remember the first time we _ (meet)?-Of course. You _ (study) in Beijing University then.2) Cathy

      5、is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School, where she _ (study) English for a year.2. 1) The government _ (build) two factories in this region since the end of last year.2) The government _(build) two factories in this region by the end of this year.3. 1) It _ (be) ten years since we left school.2) It _ (be) two years before we leave school.4. They _ (work) on the program for almost one week before I joined them, and now we _ (still work) on it as no good results have c

      6、ome out so far.5. The pen I _ (think) I _ (lose) is on my desk, right under my nose.6. If their marketing plans succeed, they _ (increase) their sales by 20 percent.7. She said that it _ (be) the second time she _ (see) the film.8. I dont really work here. I _ (just help) out until the new secretary arrives.9. Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 2039 _ (take) off at 18:40.第 3 页 共 6 页10. -How are you today?-Oh, _ (not feel) as ill as I do now for a very long time.11. 1) My good friend _ (come

      7、 ) from Guangdong.(是广东人)2) My good friend _ (come ) from Guangdong last week.(从广东来)12. 1) Where _ (be) you? (你在哪儿)2) Where _ you _? (be) (你去了哪)3) Where _ he _ (go)? (他去哪了)13. 1) Mr. John _ (teach) English in China for two years. (不在中国了)2) Mr. John _ (teach) English in China for two years. (也许仍在中国)14. 1) I _ (read) that book. (读过那本书了)2) I _ (read) that book all the morning.(一直在读那本书)15. 1) When I got there, he _ the work (做完那工作了)2) When I got there, he _ the work carefully (在认真地做工作)3) When I got t

      8、here, he _ the work (才要做工作)答案:1. met, were studying; has been studying 2. has built; will have built 3. is; will be4.Had been working; are still working 5. thought, had lost 6. will increase7.was, had seen 8. am just helping9. takes 10. havent felt es; came 12. are; have been; has gone 13. taught; has taught14. have read; have been reading 15. had done; was doing; was about to do 语法填空When he was a little boy, Christopher Cockerell once watched his mother turning the wheel of her sewing-machine with her hand.“Wouldnt it work quickly if a machine 1 (turn) the wheel for you?” he asked.“I suppose it would,” said his mother, without paying him any attention.Christopher 2 (know) she always had a lot of work, and he wanted to help. Up in his bedroom there was a toy steam-engine which his father 3 (buy) him as a gift. “I 4 (make) better use of it,” little Christopher said to himself. So, when his mother 5 (not use) her sewing-machine, he


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