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    • 1、高考常考易混易错交际用语I 教学目标:高考常考易混易错交际用语,掌握意思,运用语境。II 达标流程:归纳总结如下1. Forget it./ Dont mention it.Forget it. 别提了/ 没关系 / 休想/ 不可能Dont mention it. 不客气,不用谢2. What if?/ So what?/ What?/ What for?/ Guess what?/ What then?What if?万一怎么办?/ 如果.怎么样So what?=What of it ? 那又怎样?(表示不以为然)What for?=For what?为什么?(用来询问原因或目的)Guess what?你猜怎么着?(用来吸引对方令人惊奇或惊喜的事情的注意)What?真的?(用以表示不相信或惊奇)What then?=Then what?一下步怎么办?那会怎么样呢?3 How come?/ How about?/And how?/How so?/ How is that?How come? 怎么会的?(用来对令人惊奇的事情所发生的原因进行提问)How about?.怎么样?(用来提出建

      2、议)And how?那还用说!(用来表示极为赞同,有时为反语)How so?为何如此?(用来让对方对所持观点做出解释)How is that?那是怎么回事?4 Its up to you./ It depends./ Its hard to say.Its up to you.你看着办吧(表说话者无所谓或无权做出决定,靠对方自己做出决断)It depends.看情况而定(表目前还不能确定,要看情况发展)Its hard to say.情况很难预料,不好说。5Take it easy./ Take your time.Take it easy.别紧张(用以安慰对方)Take your time. 慢慢来(安慰双方不要着急)6My pleasure./ With pleasure.My pleasure.不用谢=Its a pleasure.同义表达还有:Not at all./ Thats all right./ Youre welcome./ Thats OK./ Dont mention it.With pleasure.乐意效劳/非常愿意Eg. -Its a wonderful e

      3、vening. Thank you. 今晚真不错,谢谢。-My pleasure. 不用谢。7Come on!/ Cheer up!Come on! 快点、加油 (表示敦促、鼓励等) 得了吧 (表示不耐烦的语气)Cheer up!高兴起来/振作起来 (用于鼓励,振作精神)8Help yourself./ Yes, please./ Go ahead./ Go on./ Come on!/ Hurry up. Help yourself.自便,自己来吧。Yes, please. 请!(表示允许对方做请求之事)Go ahead. 去做吧。 (表示同意并鼓励对方去做请求之事)Go on.继续(在进行或谈论的事)Hurry up.赶紧;快点(用来催促对方快点行动)9 Good luck./ Congratulations./ Have fun./ Best wishes. Good luck 祝你好运。 (是当对方参加某项活动时,向对方表示的祝)福语)Congratulations.祝贺你。 (是当对方做某事成功时的祝贺用语)Have fun!玩得开心点!=Have a good time.(

      4、表示祝愿 )Best wishes。 万事如意 (用于信的结尾处,表示对对方的祝愿)10 Whats on?/ Whats up?Whats (going)on? 怎么了?这里发生什么事了?有什么节目?上演什么电影?(用于询问)Whats up? 怎么了?有什么事吗?(在口语中使用广泛)11Never mind/ Not at all./ No problem.Never mind=Dont worry.不必担心。Not at all: 不用谢;不客气 (用于回答感谢) 没关系 (用于回答道歉) 上点也不,完全不 (用于表示否定,是 No 的加强说法)No problem 不用谢 (用于回答感谢)没关系 (用于回答抱歉)没问题;小事一桩 (用来表示同意或愉快地回答请求)12All right./ Thats all right./ Thats right.All right.好;行;可以 (用于赞同对方的意见、建议或邀请)Thats all right. 不用谢;别客气 (回答致谢)= Thats OK/ Not at all./ Youre welcome.等。 没关系;别介意=It

      5、 doesnt matter./ Never mind.等。 (对别人致歉时的回答)Thats right.正确;对 (用于表示对某一事物的肯定,即同意对方的观点或意见。口语中可直接用 right 作答。 )13Why sb.?/ Why not? / Why bother?Why sb.?用来提问某人为什么会被选中或受苦。Why not?用来表达同意对方的建议。Why bother? 何必那么麻烦?用来表达某事没必要那样麻烦。测标习题:试题精选1.-Her father is very rich. (2010 山东, 34)-_She wouldnt accept his help even if it were offered.A. What for? B. So what? C. No doubt. D. No wonder.2. -I dont think Ill be able to go mountain-climbing tomorrow. (2011 浙江, 20)-_? A. And how B. How come C. Hows it going D. How ab

      6、out it3. -Are you going to Toms birthday party? (2011 山东, 29)-_. I might have to work.A. It depends B. Thank you C. Sound great D. Dont mention it4. -Could you be so kind as to close the window?-_. (2009 安徽, 26)A. With pleasure B. Go ahead C. Yes, please D. Thats OK5. -May I open the window to let in some fresh air?-_. (2009 四川, 1)A. Come on B. Take care C. Go ahead D. Hold on6. -We need three single rooms for the first week in June.-_.The hotels not busy then. (2011 江西, 21)A. No problem B. Dont

      7、 bother C. Never mind D. It doesnt matter7. -Im sorry I broke the vase. (2011 山东, 22)-Oh, _. It wasnt very expensive.A. youd better not B. Im afraid notC. as you wish D. thats all right8-Im sorry I made a mistake! (2013 课标 II,1)-_. Nobody is perfect.A. Take your time B. Youre right C. Whatever you say D. Take it easy9. -Marys been offered a job in a university, but she doesnt want to take it.(2013 天津,4)-_? Its a very good chance.A. Guess what B. So what C. Who cares D. But why10. -The T-shirt I

      8、received is not the same as is shown online. (2013 江苏,22)-_? But I promise you well look into it right away.A. Who says B. How come C. What for D. Why worry11.Thank you for the flowers. (2013 江苏,35)-_.I thought they might cheer you up.A. Thats right B. All right C. Im all right D. Its all right12. -Shall we go for a drink at one oclock this afternoon? (2013 陕西,23)- _. Will two oclock be OK?A. Sure, its up to you B. Sure, no problemC. Sorry, I cant make it D. Sorry, Im not available today13. -Wha

      9、t are you going to do this weekend? (2012 福建, 21)- _. If time permits, I may go to Shanghai with my friends.A. Dont mention it B. It doesnt matter C. Forget it D. It depends14. -Im terribly sorry to interrupt, but may I use your phone? Its rather urgent.-Yes, _.(2012 辽宁,23)A. with pleasure B. no hurry C. it doesnt matter D. of course15. -Jack, you seem in high spirits.-_ We won the match 4-0. A. Guess what? B. So what? C. No wonder D. No doubt15. -Its been a wonderful evening. Thank you very much.-_. A. My pleasure B. Im glad to hear that C. No, tha


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