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    • 1、Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks.,Reading,Words and expressions:disabledorganizationpleasureblinddeafunablecannot,adj. 肢体有残疾的,n. 组织;机构;系统,n. 愉快;快乐;高兴,adj. 盲的,adj. 聋的,adj. 不能的;不会的,=cant,shutcarryspeciallyfetchat oncesupportappreciatedonation,v. 关上(门、盖、窗户等),v. 搬运;携带,adv. 特意地;专门地,v. 取来;接来,立即;马上,v. 支持;帮助,v. 感激;欣赏,n. 捐赠物;捐款,How is a letter different from an article? List three differences.,1.2.3.,Letters need addresses.,Letters need greetings at beginning and end.,Letters use informal language

      2、.,Explanation,1. Id like to thank you for sending money to “Animal Helpers”, an organization set up to help disabled people. “Animal Helpers”动物助手,一个帮助残疾人而建立的组织。Thank sb. for 为而感谢某人e.g. Thank you for your flowers to me.set up引导的是一个省去关系代词that的定语从句。e.g. Thomas has a lab set up himself.,2. Being blind, deaf, unable to walk ,or use your hands easily is something that most people cannot imagine.此句中 “being”是动名词做主语。谓语动词用单数。 “.that most people cannot imagine”是定语从句, 修饰something。3. Then one day last year,

      3、a friend of mine said that she would like to help me out. Help out 意为 “使某人脱离困境”可分开使用。 e.g. Nobody helped me out when I lost my job.,4. You see, Im only able to have a “dog-helper” because of your kind donation! 此句中的be able to 意为 “能够做的事”, 可用can替换,主语为物时一般都使用can, can没有将来时和完成时, 也不能用于其他助动词后面, 所以常用 be able to do 来替换。 Because of 是介词短语, 表原因, 后面接名词或代词宾语。because 是连词, 词后常接从句。,Use information in the letter to make true sentences by matching the different parts.,SUBJECT VERB OBJECT/PREDICATEMiss Li can fetch

      4、 unable to move well.Liz Smith trains money to “Animal Helpers”.Lucky donated animals like Lucky.“Animal Helpers” is things for disabled people.,Write a short reply to Liz Smith. In your letter:1. Offer to help her more.2. Say why you are able to help.3. Say what you could do to help.,Dear Liz, I was so happy to receive your letter. Thank you very much for writing to tell me about Lucky. I would really love to come and visit you one day and see how Lucky helps you. Id also like to help you some

      5、more because I have some extra time at the moment. Perhaps I could help you at home, or do some work for Animal Helpers. Id enjoy watching them train the animals too. Ill call them one day soon. Here is my phone number:468-3852. Please call me so we can arrange a time for me to visit. Best wishes, Ming Li,A poem,It is the deepest appeal that is based on love.,It is the most vital cause that is out of voluntary will.,It is the noblest behavior that is devoted to helping others.,The language of dedication is the most communicative language of mankind.,基于爱心的呼唤是最深沉的呼唤 处于自愿的事业是最有生命力的事业 服务他人的行为是最高尚的行为 奉献者的语言是最易沟通的人类共同语言,云鼎彩票 http:/ 云鼎彩票 彩票能用人人平等而又合理合法的方法,来满足人类天生具有的摆脱道德责任一年后又与小曼的母亲交往,生下一个男孩,长乐,他们才结婚。他需要能生儿子的漂亮女人。他已经在规划他的商业版图的日后归属,需要超过一个的继承人。而小曼父亲早早去世,跟着母亲寄人篱下,母亲生下弟弟之后,对她越来越不够关心。有时候,人与人之间的缘分很奇怪,有各种各样的相遇,而你会遇到很多人。大部分人只是偶然相遇,然后各奔东西。也会有很重要的人,但是最初的时候,你并不知道她会在你生命里留下厚重的一页。相处的时候,你不会知道谁对你无关紧要,而谁又对你举足轻重。分别后你才会知道,你才可以轻易估量一个人在你心上的分量,是你标设的几分之几。又或者仅仅如空气一般轻薄,转身便不再有任何印象。,


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