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    • 1、1NEW HORIZON COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 1 TEACHING PLAN新视野大学英语第一册 教案Unit One: Section A-Learning A Foreign LanguageObjectives (目标 ):The students are required to have a good knowledge of the main idea, a good command of the core words, expressions and structures, learn to find out the meanings of unfamiliar words.Key Points (重点):Comprehension of the text; Core words, expressions and structures.Difficulties (难点):Sentences beyond comprehensionApproach (方法): InteractionProcedures (步骤):1. Word Study, 90 mi

      2、nutes 2. Sentences beyond comprehension, 90 minutes3. Comprehension of the text, 90 minutes4. Exercises, 90 minutes3Collocations (搭配)1)rewardEg. He received a medal in reward for his bravery. 因表现勇敢他获得了一枚奖章。to reap / receive ones just reward 获得应有的报酬One reward of my job is meeting people. 我工作的报酬之一就是结识了很多人。 A $1000 reward has been offered for the return of the stolen paintings 悬赏 1000 美圆寻找失窃的画。to reward sb. for sth. / doing sth. Is this how you reward me for my help? 你就这样报答我对你的帮助吗?to reward sb. wit

      3、h sth She rewarded him with a smile. 她向他报之一笑。2) juniorEg. He is several years junior to me. 他比我小几岁。3)seniorEg. He is ten years senior to me. 她比我大 10 岁。She is senior to me, since she joined the firm before me.她比我资格老,因为她比我先加入公司。4)positiveEg. Are you positive that he has stolen the money?你肯定他偷了钱?She was quite positive about the answer to the question. 他对这个问题的答案很有把握。Try to be more positive in dealing with the problem.对解决这个问题再积极些。5)intimidateEg. intimidate sb. into sth. / doing sth.The robber intimid

      4、ated the witness into silence. 那个强盗威胁目击者,要他嘴闭紧点儿。6)opportunityEg. create/ find / get/ have an opportunity for sth. / doing sth. / to do sth.创造/ 寻找/ 得到 / 有机会That was the situation until a couple of years later when I was offered an opportunity to study English through an online course. 这种情况持续了两年。两年后我得到了网上学习英语的机会。 (NHCE Book 1 P.3, L.27)take the opportunity to do sth. / of doing sth. 趁此机会7) accessEg. The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields.要到那个农舍去只有穿过田地。Students must have access to a

      5、 good library.学生们必须有个好图书馆(使用) 。Only high officials have access to the president. 只有高级官员能接触总统。I soon got access to the necessary equipment. (NHCE Book 1 P.3, L.29) 很快,我有了这种必需的设备。8)participate Eg. See NHCE Book 1, P.3, L.319) commitment2Eg. Our company has a commitment to equal pay and opportunities.我们公司承诺给员工提供平等的报酬和机会。There is a growing commitment to fight poverty.越来越多的人承诺同贫困作斗争。Volunteers must make a commitment of four hours a week.自愿者必须保证每周工作 4 小时。Our employees commitment to their work shows in

      6、 their high quality output.我们的员工的敬业精神体现在高质量的产品上。10)benefitEg. (1)to get / reap benefit from sth.She didnt get much benefit from her stay abroad. 她生活在国外,没有得到什么好处。(2)to have the benefit of sth.Ive had the benefit of a good education. 我得益于于良好的教育。(3)with the benefit of sth.With the benefit of modern technology, the software division expects to achieve its sale targets this year. 借助现代技术,软件部预计能够完成今年的销售指标。(4)to be of benefit to sb. / sth. The new regulations will be of great benefit to us all. 新规章制度对大家

      7、都有好处。(5)to be to ones benefitThe change in the law would be to everyones benefit. 本法的这一改变符合每个人的利益。(6)to benefit by / fromWho is likely to benefit most by / from the new tax law? 谁可能从新税法中受益最多?11)gapEg. See NHCE P.4, L. 574Expressions in the text with the line number in the bracket(not including those on P.67):foreign language(1) 外语; junior middle school (4)初级中学; senior middle school (9)高级中学; to take a class (5)上课; because of (5)因为; worry about (7)担心; make a mistake (8)犯错误; at the top of a class (

      8、8)在班上名列前茅; to be eager to do sth.(9)渴望; to be different from (10)与不同; to be patient with sb. / sth. (11) 对有耐心; to point a stick at sb. / sth. (13)用棍子指着; to lose ones joy in doing sth. / sth. (15)失去兴趣; to lose ones eagerness to do sth (15)失去热情; to lose ones desire to do sth (16)失去欲望; (注意:以上三个短语都表示 “不想做某事”)to be required to do sth (19)需要; 必须to be able to do sth (22)能 / 有能力; to be afraid to do sth (26) 害怕; to stay at the same level (26); 停留在原有水平 to be offered an opportunity to do sth (27) 有机会; onli

      9、ne course (28)网上课程; to learn sth. from sb.(30)向学习; 一 virtual classroom (31)虚拟课堂; online learning (32)网上学习; regular classroom study (32)常规课堂; the flow / pace / step / rate / progress / schedule of the course (33)课程进度; to meet the standards (34)达到标准 ; to set standards (34)确定 /制定 / 设定标准; to complete assignments (35)完成任务 / 作业; on time (35)准时; all the time (36)一直 / 始终; as well as (37)以及 / 除了; once in a while (38)有时; out of (38)因为 / 由于; My mind was opened to / to open ones mind to(50)乐于接受; communicate with (52)与交流 / 沟通; participate in (54)参加; to stare into space (55)两眼望青天 / 茫然不知所措; make friends (56)交朋友; to bridge the gap between(57)弥合之间的鸿沟Step 2: Sentences beyond comprehension Before the teachers explanation, the students are asked to tell the meaning of the following sentences in English or Chinese.)1. Learning a foreign language was(L. 12)Note: V-ing phrase can be used as a subject, part of


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