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【优品课件】高中英语B4 U2 语言点

  • 卖家[上传人]:Jerm****014
  • 文档编号:34130514
  • 上传时间:2018-02-21
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:64KB
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    • 1、Language points for B4U2 陆宝秀编印 201-220 1 struggle v / n 挣扎 奋斗 努力 争取 斗争 struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来struggle for sth 为争取而斗争 fight for struggle against/with为反对而斗争 fight againstHe struggled for freedom all his life. Her struggle with the disease lasted ten years.The working people have never stopped their struggle against unfair treatment.They struggled against poverty. We had to_ all kinds of difficulties. The _for independence was long and hard.Three brothers _ _(为争取 而斗争) the possession of a jewe

      2、l box.2. In 1974, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output.the first . to do sth. 意为“第一个做”。本句中动词不定式(to grow rice) 作定语, 修饰 the first agricultural pioneer。the first, the last, the second, the only 等短语后面多用动词不定式作后置定语。The first traveler to reach New Zealand in the year 950 was a man whose name was Kupe.3. make +it +adj/n +to do 使做 成为其他可用这种结构的词 : feel, find, think, consider. We consider it our duty to support good leaders. The new method makes it possib

      3、le to complete the task faster.Tom found it very embarrassing to be reminded of the long-standing debt. We all feel it nice to be able to visit that famous university.好天气使游泳成为可能 The fine weather _( for us )to swim.他无论在哪里,都把每天跑步一小时当作规定去执行。Wherever he is, he _ to run for an hour every day.The guide thought _ wrong to eat monkeys. A. this B. it is C. it D. that was4 At that time, hunger was a disturbing problem in many parts of the countryside.die of hunger _ starve to death _ go hungry_disturbing

      4、( adj) disturbing news 令人困扰的消息 disturb (v) disturb the peace 扰乱治安5 search 常用的搭配: search sb./sth. 搜查某人/某物 search for sb./sth. 搜寻某人/某物search sth./sb. for搜查某物 /某人以寻找 in search of 寻找注意:search sb.指“搜查某人”, 指对某人进行搜身。search for sb.指 “搜寻某人”, 指为了要找到某人进行搜寻, 相当于 look for He searched all the rooms for the missing person. They searched the man all over for money。The police are in search of the missing boy. The police searched the thief but found no weapon 。 He _ his pockets _ a cigarette. 6 Thanks to his rese

      5、arch, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.thanks to 由于,多亏 表示原因的短语还有:because of as a /the result of Thanks to your support , we won the game. I had to stay at home because of a heavy rain.As a result of the war, the lives of many people were lost.由于交通堵塞我迟到了。_ the traffic, I was late. He couldnt attend the meeting_.( 因为疾病)_ ,( 多亏了你的帮助) we arrived there safely.They have had another good harvest_of last winter.( 由于去年的大雪)rid of 使 摆脱/ 除去 get rid of 摆脱 扔掉 be rid of 摆脱 break a

      6、way from 摆脱 脱离Further measures will be taken to rid our streets of crime. ( 犯罪 ) You should rid yourself of smoking. 他想使自己摆脱痛苦。He wants to rid himself of pain.He wanted to rid himself of the burden( 负担 )of the secret. 他想说出那个秘密,减轻自己的负担.If I ruled the world, I would _ the world _ wars. A get rid of; by B be rid of ; by C rid ; of D get rid; of Its not easy to _ oneself _ a habit. 要改掉一个习惯是不容易的。We wanted to _ the house _ dust. 我们试图清除这房子的尘土。Im very glad to be _ _ my bad cold. 很高兴我的感冒已痊愈了。 It is very

      7、hard for the people to _. .使世界摆脱污染7 是从前两倍那么多 twice as large as before倍数词(twice/half/three times etc.)+as + 形容词原级 +as 表示“是的多少倍拓展延伸:A be倍数as adj 原级as B A be倍数as adj 比较级 than B A be倍数the size /length/ depth/height/widthof B The number of the students in our school is _ in their school.我们学校学生的数量是他们学校的三倍。It is reported that the United States uses _ energy as the whole of Europe. A. as twice B. twice much C. twice much as D. twice as much这座房子是那座房子的两倍大。 This house is _ that one.8 be satisfied with相当于 b

      8、e pleased with 对感到满意 satisfy(v) 使满意 satisfy ones need satisfying (adj) 感到满意的 satisfied (adj) 令人满意的Nothing can _ him, and he is always complaining. His answer is _. Mother _ _ _ her sons progress.9 care about 在乎,在意 比较 care for 照顾,关心My aunt cared _me when my parents were away last week.Dr Yuan never cares _ money and fame.10 He would much rather keep time for his hobbies.I think at the beginning wed rather have some fairly quiet and peaceful music.Most young people would rather not listen to the Beijing Opera.Would you rather stay here or go home?拓展:would rather than 表示宁愿而不愿 She would rather buy a bike than a motorbike.改错;This Sunday I would rather staying at home than go to park.He would rather dont go with me .11 He therefore gives millions of

      《【优品课件】高中英语B4 U2 语言点》由会员Jerm****014分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【优品课件】高中英语B4 U2 语言点》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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