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    • 1、 分类号: TD745 密 级 :公 开 UDC: 单位代码:1 0424 工 程 硕 士 学 位 论 文山东科技大学学生公寓楼工程质量评价陈 猛申 请 学 位 级 别 : 工程硕士 领 域 名 称 : 项目管理指导教师姓名: 段 治 平 职 称: 教 授 副 指 导 教 师 姓 名 : 宋 庆 军 职 称: 高 工 山 东 科 技 大 学二零零九年五月 论文题目:山东科技大学学生公寓楼工程质量评价作者姓名: 陈 猛 入学时间: 2007 年 04 月 领域名称: 项目管理 研究方向: 工程项目管理 指导教师: 段治平 职 称: 教 授 副指 导 教 师 : 宋庆军 职 称: 高 工 论文提交日期: 2009 年 05 月 论文答辩日期: 2009 年 06 月 授予学位日期: Shandong University of Science and Technology student apartment building in the quality of the project evaluationA Dissertation submitted in fulfillment of

      2、the requirements of the degree ofMASTER OF MANAGEMENTfromShandong University of Science and TechnologybyChen Meng Supervisor: Professor Duan ZhipingCollege of Economy and ManagementMay 2009 声 明本人呈交给山东科技大学的这篇硕士学位论文,除了所列参考文献和世所公认的文献外,全部是本人在导师指导下的研究成果。该论文资料尚没有呈交于其它任何学术机关作鉴定。硕士生签名:日 期:AFFIRMATIONI declare that this dissertation, submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Master of Engneering in Shandong University of Science and Technology, is wholly my own work unless referenced

      3、of acknowledge. The document has not been submitted for qualification at any other academic institute.Signature:Date:山东科技大学工程硕士学位论文 摘要摘 要质量是人类文明程度的标志,建设工程质量的好坏,不仅关系工程的适用性和建设项目的投资效果,而且关系到人民群众生命财产的安全,关系到国家和民族的形象。一旦发生工程质量问题,会直接影响公共利益和人民生命财产安全。尤其是学校建筑设施质量问题,更是如此。2008 年汶川大地震,给我们的教训很深刻。由于高校学生公寓工程相对简单,单体容量较小,业主在管理上更不重视,施工单位很少申请省优工程,普遍存在防水不好、墙体裂缝问题、装饰工程质量差等问题。建设工程质量越来越为人们所关注。首先,本文通过对高校学生公寓楼工程的特点进行分析,探讨高校学生公寓楼工程质量管理和控制的要点,并分析高校学生公寓楼工程项目各阶段的主体(包括:建设业主、设计勘察单位、监理单位、施工单位)对高校学生公寓楼工程质量的影响。其次,通过对影响高校学生公寓楼工程质量各因

      4、素的分析,建立了高校学生公寓楼工程质量评价的指标体系,并建立了适合高校基建工程质量评价的综合评标模型多层次模糊综合评标模型。最后,结合山东科技大学学生公寓楼建设项目的工程实例,分析影响山东科技大学学生公寓楼工程质量各因素,提出山东科技大学学生公寓楼工程质量评价的指标体系。然后运用多层次模糊综合评标模型,对山东科技大学学生公寓楼建设项目质量进行综合评价,并就该校学生公寓楼工程项目质量管理提出具体建议。关键词:工程质量,质量评价,模糊综合评价 山东科技大学工程硕士学位论文 AbstractAbstractQuality is the mark for the civilization of mankind. The quality of construction projects is not only related to applicability of the projects and investment effect of the construction projects, but also extremely important to the safety of people

      5、s life and wealth and to the reputation of our nation. The quality of construction projects in colleges is also of great importance to the safety of students and the quality of studying activities. The quality of the project in case of problems, will directly affect the public interest and safety of peoples lives and property. This is especially the case when it comes to the quality of school building facilities. Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, gave us a very profound lesson. Because the college st

      6、udents apartment projects were relatively simple, the capacity of each unit was much smaller, the owners did not put much importance to the management, very few construction units applied for the provincial superior, and there usually existed bad waterproof function, the issue of wall cracks, and poor quality of decoration in the apartments. The quality of the construction projects is drawing increasingly more attentions of the public.Firstly, quality characteristics of construction projects in

      7、colleges are analyzed and the key points to the quality management and control of construction projects are discussed in this paper, and the influence, responsibilities and functions of the main body, including the constructor, the design and survey institution and the construction supervising units of each phase of the project construction are analyzed respectively by this paper. Secondly, on the basis of the analysis of the elements affecting the quality of construction process of an engineeri

      8、ng project in colleges, a system of index for quality evaluation of construction process is established in this paper. After analyzing the normal comprehensive bid evaluation method, which is widely adopted, the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation model to evaluate the quality of construction process of engineering projects in colleges is established. Finally, the developing trend of quality management for construction projects in colleges is shown.On the basis of the personal practice and experience during the construction of student dormitory in Shandong University of Science and Technology, analysis of the elements affecting the quality of construction process of an engineering project in colleges, a system of indices for quality evaluation of construction process is established in this paper. And the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation model is established, which offers the theoretical basis for bid evaluation method in terms of colleges student dormitory projects. Keywords: Quali


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