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    • 1、2012-2013 学年高一配合外研新标准版广东专版第 35 期测试题答案解析听说训练 35 原文PART A:略PART B:Role Play 角色扮演录像原文:W: Dad, what are we going to eat tonight?M: Ill make some noodles as usual. W: Noodles again? We eat noodles every day. Ive had enough of them. M: Thats why you are trying to make some sandwiches by yourself?W: Yes. I learnt how to make them from Mom before she left for France.M: Mom will stay in France for a really long time this time. W: When will she come back?M: Next week, I guess. Shell cook some delicious fo

      2、od for us when she is back. Shes really good at cooking.W: Yes. I want to learn how to cook. This way, we can have nice food even if shes away.M: Im sorry, honey. I dont know how to cook. How I wish your grandma could be with us!1. Please get ready to ask three questions according to the following Chinese tips.Q1: Why cant Grandma come stay with us? (W)A1: She fell ill last week. She hasnt fully recovered, so she cant come stay with us now. Grandpa takes good care of her. Im sure shell be fine i

      3、n a few days. Q2: Why dont you learn to cook? (W)A2:Ive tried to cook, but Im really not good at it. Even I dont like what I cook. Luckily, I learnt how to make noodles, though they are not tasty. Q3: Why dont we go to eat in a fast food restaurant nearby? (W) A3: Honey, I dont want you to eat fast food. Its not healthy. Youll become very fat if you eat too much fast food. Kids should avoid fast food. Besides, its very cold these days. I really dont want to take you out on such cold days. I dont

      4、 want you to get a cold.2. Please get ready to answer five questions in English.Q1: What will the father do tonight?A1: Hell make some noodles. Q2: Why cant the girls mother cook for them?A2: Because shes away in France. Q3: What happened to the girls grandma last week?A3: She fell ill. Q4: Why doesnt the man cook?A4: Because hes really not good at it.Q5: What does the man think kids should avoid?A5: He thinks kids should avoid fast food.PART C:Retelling 故事复述Mr Smith lived on a farm. One day he

      5、wanted to visit his friend in the city. He got into his car with a nice present and drove to the city. He drove straight to his friends office without any trouble and stopped in front of the building. He locked the door of drivers side and went into his friends office. Then he went back to his car to get the present for his friend. However, he found he had locked his keys in the car. He couldnt open it, so he called his wife and said, “Ive locked my keys in the car. Please bring me your keys her

      6、e.” Mrs Smith was reading an interesting book and didnt want to leave the house. But Mr Smith begged her. At last, she got into their second car and drove twenty miles to help her husband. While he was waiting for her, Mr Smith walked around the car and tried to open the other door. To his joy, it wasnt locked. However, after thinking for a moment, he locked it. He was afraid that his wife would become very angry if she found out it wasnt necessary for her to bring the keys.Summary: Mr Smith dro

      7、ve to the city to visit a friend. He stopped his car in front of the building in which his friend worked and went to his friends office. Then he came back to his car to get the present for his friend. But he found he had locked his keys in the car. He called his wife to bring him the keys. Mrs Smith got in their second car and drove twenty miles to help her husband. While Mr Smith was waiting for her, he found that one door of his car wasnt locked. But he locked it after thinking for a moment. H

      8、e was afraid his wife would be angry if she knew it wasnt necessary for her to drive all the way there. 第 35 期测试题参考答案1-5 BDADC 6-10 ACDAB 11-15 CABAD16-25(One possible version)16. that 17. killing 18. of 19. worse 20. to21. If 22. prevented 23. an 24. as 25. But26-30 CBADD 31-35 BBCDA 36-40 DBCDC41-45 CBADA 46-50 FADEB基础写作(One possible version)Dear Xiaoming,Hearing you are worried greatly about your upcoming school life of Senior Grade 1, Id like to write to you to offer some advice, which I hop

      9、e will be helpful. Senior Grade 1 is the beginning of your Senior High School, which is very different from Middle School in many aspects, so you should build up your confidence, set a clear goal, and then make good use of your time to realize your goal. Besides, youd better keep on doing exercise so that you can have a strong body. If you have any problem in your studies or daily life, dont hesitate to communicate with your classmates, your teachers and your parents.I sincerely hope you can make your Senior Grade 1 meaningful.Yours Li Hua读写任务(One possible version)The writer mainly told us several impressive memories of his mother, which showed the great influence his mother had on him. It is from his mother that the writer learnt forgiveness and honesty.I am deeply moved by the mother in this story. I can feel her deep love for her son. Her kindness, braveness and tolerance taught


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