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Yield 7 year learn to be born tiredly learn English

  • 卖家[上传人]:豆浆
  • 文档编号:11741687
  • 上传时间:2017-10-14
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:31KB
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    • 1、精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询Yield 7 year learn to be born tiredly learn EnglishInterest is the best teacher that learns everything. Present elementary school had offerred English course, and also brought into exam course. Not little school and teacher take an exam to deal with, took education of force-feed duck type, complete oversight study interest of the student. Accordingly, many student English did not learn from good examples, also lost interest to learning English. Arrived first one later,

      2、of difficulty of the addition as a result of the vocabulary, study strengthen waited for a reason to cause a student to learning English more have a headache, do not want to learn English more. Ask teacher of our Chu Yiying language wants to enough patience and ability go digging the interest of student learning English again so. One, kiss its division to believe its toAbove all, as a teacher, want to have enough self-confidence before the student, let a student believe you, let a student believ

      3、e to want to follow you to learn to be able to learn English certainly only. Remember me taking Chu Yiying one year for the first time, I make a teacher in 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询charge of a class, I and student talked about class of the first sky a class, talking about me is a how conscientious teacher, talking about me is how capable teacher. if students listened to me, steal below later steal murmurous, I know children are affirmative is to saying the teacher loves boast really, accordingl

      4、y I say with students: I assure to everybody now, this semester exam of our class English musts the first. The teacher says to reach will surely do get, premise is everybody must believe me, with teacher joint efforts. Such saying that if wanting to let oneself later, cash, such students will believe you more also more want to learn English. 2, the study state that knows student elementary school, had done joinThe ancients cloud: The bosom friend tells the other, just can emerge victorious in ev

      5、ery battle. The study state that knows student elementary school so is very necessary, also be to be next education makes good preparation. Want to understand study plan of the student, know study effect of the student, understanding pupil learns difficult part, know study method of the student, understand classroom study of the student, the study after the subject that 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询knows a student. be back-to-back move one study has been made first join the job, also find breach to

      6、 resolve the study that learns to be born tiredly. 3, pay attention to methodological education, dig study interest of the student1, the English that can listen to everything. The language is people the communication thought, tool that passes information is used in daily life, want above all from “ listen “ proceed with. (1) the teacher listens to tell seriously inside the class, the mouth that notices a teacher. (2) extracurricular listens seriously tape, hear the tape with textbook form a comp

      7、lete set, because pronunciation of these tape of form a complete set are sterling, without dialect, standard of comparison. (3) the special program that listens to English of the education on English broadcast and teleview, develop audition ability. 2, be without scruple the ground says English. Want to communicate with the person, be about to speak out boldly, learn English to want to rely on to say repeatedly. To abecedarian, I call a student to take one side small looking glass each, the open

      8、ing that teachs according to the teacher, look at a mirror to say, the opening that sees 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询oneself first right incorrect, the pronunciation that lets others listen to you again allows to forbid. Especially the word of pronunciation close, we should notice our more mouth, should read accurate. For example “ Horse “ with “ House “ , “ Mouth “ with “ Mouse “ , “ They “ with “ Their “ etc. 3, read much back English as far as possible more. Why do we feel Chinese learns not ha

      9、rd? Because we never can walk to hear parents and people talk, had had a lot of vocabularies, sentence in our cerebra when going to school. And there is English-speaking big environment before us, there are English vocabulary and statement in cerebrum. This asks we listen more, read more, much back, mark a few useful vocabularies and statement in cerebrum, do not feel difficult when expression. 1 2 of on one page issues one page For example, when encountering acquaintance in the morning, we need not consider to be able to say “ Goodmorning “ , why? Because there is this word in our cerebra, take off a mouth to be able to speak out. 4, hit good foundation to learn phonetic symbol. The Chinese character is aided with phoneticize read, if we learned Chinese Phonetic Alphabet, any Chinese characters 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询that wont read, we can consult a dictionary, come out according to the phonetic notation on the dictionary is read easily. The word in E

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