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Writing of a few kinds of commonly used English train methodological brief summary

  • 卖家[上传人]:豆浆
  • 文档编号:11741657
  • 上传时间:2017-10-14
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    • 1、精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询Writing of a few kinds of commonly used English train methodological brief summarySummary: High school English composes education to hold significant position in process of education of English of whole high school, it is to occupy more in the university entrance exam whole 1/5 of a face cent value; In the meantime, english writing can mirror a student to be mixed to English control, understanding truly use capacity. Accordingly, the English that how be fostered and tra

      2、ins a student composed ability to become the task that broad English teacher tries hard to discuss all the time. The author from oneself a few kinds of more practical English writing were summed up to train a method in teaching experience of nearly 20 years, share with everybody here. Keyword: High school English is composed; Train a method; StudentTeach common and high middle school according to full-time obligation “ English course standard “ , high school graduates (8 class) writing technical

      3、 ability should achieve: Can draw up coherent and the essay with whole structure, narrate a thing or express viewpoint and attitude; Can write an abstract according to the text; 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询Style standard, statement can be accomplished in writing clear and coherent; The information that can provide with character and chart respectively writes essay or report. Students of these education target requirement rise to break away from mother tongue basically from simple language expressi

      4、on, undertake understanding, thinking with English, experience and experience what a variety of vocabularies that use English, statement and style will convey his, write an article that has bright individual character, transmit specific information. English serves as a practical course, there is new education requirement below new condition, this language can be applied to undertake communicating simply independently after basically graduating in the light of the student, consult information. Co

      5、mpose what ability reflects student antonym character in the round to control ability, because this becomes the Chongzhongzhi of education,weigh. What new course standard advocates is the task model education mode, let a student be below pedagogic guidance, adopt perception, experience, practice, participate in and the means such as collaboration, achieve task goal, experience a success. Emphasize wanting to pay 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询close attention to the affection of every student particul

      6、arly, arouse them to learn English interest, help them build the achievement feeling of study and self-confident heart. In view of this, outside training except right amount propositional composition, the author thinks to be able to adopt a variety of raising morely the training method of student writing interest, it is good to let a student have a word say, it is good to have a word write. One, abbreviateTo composing ability not be very strong student, the key is to let them master definite sen

      7、tence pattern and grammar, abbreviate is a kind of very good method here. The teacher coachs the student combines reading material and writing look conciously, allow a student after reading English material, draw up with English material carelessness or summary material content, the summary that practices can training a student through this kind generalizes ability of ability of ability, logistic thinking ability, wording and phrasing, written expression. The material of abbreviate can be what t

      8、o learn a text, also can be suitable extracurricular reader. 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询2, add is writtenThe teacher lets a student be done to text content proper complement and complete, make them sufficient develop an imagination, add on one to the story that does not have ending originally reasonable or the ending of unexpected, this is helpful for a student exercising mind of imaginary ability and education innovation while the exercise is composed. 3, speakand writechangeoverEnglish “ speaka

      9、nd write” changeover education means is in be being taught in the light of English foundation “ say bad, write difficult “ the current situation puts forward, its purpose is drilling at passing “ say “ the English that will raise a student composes ability. The author ever asked the student is attending class 3 minutes inside do Free-talk, set at the same time “ say “ content must be the thing that he writes. Of course, in every student “ say “ before, the teacher wants go ahead of the rest to correct, can let say bad student is in so “ say “ when have hope more. “After be being written first, say “ aim “ in order to say hurried is written “ , “ aid in order to write say “ , the student that yields 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询different level and different strong point can experience achievement feeling, increase the interest that compose a quarrel keeps thereby, raise the level that English speakand write. Speakand writemain body of the innovation that changeo

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