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Five days after an earthquake killed hundreds in southwestern China, a debate is swirling around the mob of volunteers who flooded into the disaster zone, demonstrating how the world's most-populous country continues to grapple with the role charitable groups should play in society. 云南发生地震后数日,人们围绕大量志愿者涌向地震灾区展开了一场讨论,表明中国继续被慈善组织应该在社会中扮演什么角色这一问题所困扰。After the 6.1-magnitude tremor struck the county of Ludian, in northern Yunnan province, on Sunday, thousands of volunteers rushed into affected areas, clogging roads and making it harder for authorities to send in supplies and remove the wounded. That sparked public criticism and led authorities to ramp up restrictions on private cars entering the area. 中国云南鲁甸县 8 月 3 日发生了 6.1 级地震,已导致数百人丧生,上千名志愿者闻讯赶来,导致公路拥堵,使得官方在派发救援物资以及运送伤员方面面临更大的困难。公众对此提出批评,并且有关部门对私家车进入灾区增加了限制。Yet some better-organized private groups have played an important part in handling unpleasant tasks such as digging survivors and the dead out of the rubble, residents and officials say. That has convinced some officials that civil-society groups and private volunteers-sometimes seen as threatening to the Communist Party, particularly when concentrating on national issues-should be encouraged to play a bigger role in relief efforts. 然而,当地居民和官员们表示,一些有组织的私人团体在处理棘手事务上确实起到了重要作用,例如从废墟中挖出幸存者和尸体。因此,一些官员认为,应该鼓励民间社会团体和私人志愿者在救灾工作中发挥更重要的作用。'Some were there the first night, pulling people out,' said one member of China's People's Armed Police, who was among the first to arrive in the quake zone. 'They've been a huge help.' 一名第一批抵达地震灾区的武警说,地震发生当晚一些志愿者就已经抵达了地震现场,参与救援,他们提供了很大的帮助。 There was still much work to be done on Friday, as the death toll rose to 617, with many more injured, according to state media. Aftershocks continued to shake the area as troops and volunteers pushed further into the mountains to help people in distant villages, while authorities began to contemplate longer-term efforts that will be needed to rebuild. 据官方媒体报道,仍有大量工作需要完成,地震死亡人数已经升至 617 人,受伤人数仍在上升。该地区继续遭遇余震,部队和志愿者进一步深入山区,向边远山村的人们提供帮助,同时政府开始考虑长期灾后重建工作。 It wasn't clear on Friday exactly how many volunteers had entered Ludian. The local government official in charge of managing volunteers declined to comment. 截至上周五,尚不清楚到底有多少志愿者进入了鲁甸。负责志愿者管理工作的当地政府官员未予置评。The debate over how much leeway to give private aid groups is an important one for China. Authorities have long feared that domestic and international charitable groups could morph into political activism or foster more criticism of the government, as they have in other countries. 在中国,有关应该给民间援助团体留下多大活动余地的问题受到热烈讨论。其他国家的一些案例令中国当局一直以来都担心,国内外慈善团体可能转变为具有政治倾向的激进组织,或者可能令政府招致更多批评。 The emergence of more-active private aid efforts in China dates back to the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, when large numbers of residents spontaneously rushed to affected areas to help. Many volunteers were critical of the government response, and of the shoddy school construction that led to thousands of deaths in the area. 中国民间积极参与救援活动的兴起,要追溯至 2008 年的四川地震,当时大批中国公民自发地赶赴灾区救援。许多志愿者对于政府的反应非常不满,而且当地糟糕的教学楼质量造成数千学生伤亡,也令他们十分愤怒。 They also occasionally sowed chaos, burdening limited food supplies and getting in the way of rescue efforts. 不过,志愿者们偶尔也会给局面添乱,他们的到来使得本就有限的食物供应更加紧张,还妨碍了救援工作。 Since then, private groups have become more sophisticated, with better equipment and logistics, and in some cases have tried working more closely with public officials to smooth over tensions. Some-sporting matching uniforms so that residents will take them more seriously-are now virtually indistinguishable from the troops and police they are helping. 自那时以来,民间救助组织变得越来越经验丰富,他们配置了更好的设备和物流工具,有些时候还尝试与政府官员更密切合作,缓和紧张局面。一些队伍穿上了统一的制服,以便得到灾区人民更认真的看待,现在,前来助军队、警察一臂之力的他们已经几乎能够和官方队伍做得一样好了。Authorities have also become more organized about bringing volunteers under their wings, setting up check-in centers where officials can track them and disperse information. The result is a growing number of experienced rescue groups that function at times as an extension of the government, while also serving as an outlet for the swelling numbers of Chinese who want to participate. 当局也把志愿者更好地组织起来,设立登记中心,以便官方联络他们和散发信息。结果是,偶尔充当政府救援力量补充的有经验救援组织数量越来越多,它们同时也充当了越来越多的想要参加救灾工作的中国志愿者的一个枢纽机构。 Not all volunteers have been so experienced or conscientious. Many are students visiting a disaster area for the first time. Especially in the first few days after the earthquake, a number of them wandered aimlessly around the collapsed houses, snapping selfies in front of the wreckage. 并不是所有的志愿者都富有经验和认真负责。很多志愿者都是首次来到灾区的学生。特别是在灾后的头几天,有不少志愿者都在倒塌的房屋周围漫无目的地转悠,在废墟前面自拍。精彩推荐:企业英语 http:/www.spiikers.com/


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