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最新外研版九年级英语上册单元测试题及答案解析全册Module 1 过关测试过关测试限时:60 分钟 满分:100 分题号一二三四五六总分一、单项选择一、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)1I think reading is important for us.Do you agree _ me?Yes,you're right.Aon Bwith Cto Dof2She _ the bus and took a seat.Agot in Bgot out of Cgot on Dgot off3Her grandfather lives a simple life_he has much money.Abecause B. so Cthough Dif4The price of houses _ a lot in our city these years.Ais risen Bhas risenCraised Dhas raised5We have to stay at home _ the heavy rain.Abecause Bbecause ofCso Dso that6He didn't _ my question.Instead,he asked me to _ to his letter right now.Aanswer;replying Banswer;replyCreply;answering Dreply;answer7Don't worry!The radio says the temperature will fall _ thirty degrees again.It won't be too hot.Aunder Babove Con D.below 8The train has gone _ the tunnel.We can't see it.Aacross Bthrough Ccrossing Dover9The children planted more trees and flo­wers after they _ Greener China.Ajoined Btook part Cjoined on Dbecame10There are _ students in our school.Ahundreds Bhundreds ofChundred of Dthree hundreds11We _ for a picnic if it _ rain this Sunday.Awill go; doesn't Bwill go; won'tCgo; doesn't Dgo; won't12Last night, the shop was closed _ she didn't buy any chocolate.Aso Bif Cor D.when 13_is it from Zunyi to Guiyang?Hope we can arrive in 2 hours.About 150 kilometers.AHow soon B. How longCHow far DHow much14I stood on the top of Mount Tai and _ to the small village below me.Alooked down Blooked afterClooked up Dlooked through15Andy, with his parents,_ to Hong Kong, and they will stay there for a week.Ahave gone Bhas goneChave been Dhas been二、完形填空二、完形填空(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)The best experience of my life was when we went to Stonehenge.We went there on a group tour.When I saw Stonehenge, my first_16 was that it was huge.You know, Stonehenge is about 5,000 years old.I _17 how the ancient people moved these huge pieces of stone.After we parked(停车) at the Stonehenge parking lot, our guide Nick took us to a _18 shop.There my mum got a nice painting of Stonehenge.After we left the gift shop, we went to Stonehenge _19 the tunnel. That was a privilege(优惠待遇)at Stonehenge _20 we were able to go right up to the stones and touch them.Usually visitors _21 get really close and touch the stones.At Stonehenge we walked around the circle and then _22 the ceremonial(仪式的)centre.There we were given half a(n) _23 to look around and explore._24 30 minutes we got ready to leave.It was _25 that we had to leave Stonehenge.Hopefully, one day I'll go back.16. Aimpression Bexperience Cinterest Dinstruction 17A.knew Bwondered Casked Dreplied 18A.gift Bflower Cshoe Dcard 19. A.above Bacross Cover Dthrough 20A.although Bso Cbecause Dif 21A.can Bmustn't Cmust Dneedn't22A.left Bbought Cbuilt Dentered 23A.hour Bday Cweek Dmonth 24A.Since BUntil CAfter DBefore 25A.surprising Bnice Cexciting Dsad 三、阅读理解三、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)AFraser Island is in Queensland,Australia,about 200 kilometers north of Brisbane.It is about 120 kilometers long and 240 kilometers wide.It is a very important island because it is completely made of sand.In fact,it is the largest sand island in the world.There is no airport on the island,but there is a long beach along the east coast.Planes arrive and leave from here.The sand makes unusual shapes.There are hills made of sand called sandblows.Nothing grows on them.They move one or two meters a year from the northwest towards the southeast of the island,getting bigger and bigger.At other places on the island,such as Rainbow Gorge,The Cathedrals and Red Canyon,the sandy rocks have different colors.Sometimes the rocks are so brown that they turn the sea brown,like coffee.Surprisingly,the sandy island has a lot of different plants and animals.There are dark forests eucalyptus woods,beautiful flowers and over a hundred lakes.There are many kinds of birds,like owls and curlews.There are many animals there,too,such as crocodiles,flying foxes and wild dogs called dingoes.About 500,000 people visit the island every year to see the island's beauty and nature.People enjoy camping and hiking(徒步)there.Unluckily,the visitors create problems.They damage plants and frighten animals.Their sun cream(防晒霜)makes the water dirty.So it is necessary to manage the visitors.For example,people may not use motor boats or go fishing in the lakes,and they need official papers to drive there.26The passage is


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