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最新人教版七年级英语上册单元同步测试题unit 8

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最新人教版七年级英语上册单元同步测试题unit 8

人教版七年级英语上册第八单元同步测试题及答案全套Unit 8 第 1 课时一、根据句意写出正确的日期1Children's Day is on _.2Teachers' Day is on _.3_ is our National Day.4Christmas Day is on _.5_ is New Year's Day.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空6June is the _(six) month of the year.7His brother's birthday is on October _(five)8September is the _(nine)month of the year.9Her _(sister)birthday is on November 3rd.10Monday is the _(two) day of a week.三、单项选择11_ is your mother's birthday?It's on April 3rd.AWhen BWhatCWhere DHow12Let's look at _picture.Afive Bthe fiveCthe fifth Dfiveth13_is Mary?Twenty.AHow much BHow oldCWhen DWhere14. There are _ months in a year.December is the _ month of a year.Atwelve;twelve Btwelfth;twelfthCtwelve;twelfth Dtwelfth;twelve15Our school has a sports meeting(运动会) _October 15th.Aat BonCin Dfor16This is a really _ party!Yeah! It is so fun!Abad BgreatCboring Ddifficult17The dog is only _.Atwo month old Bthree months oldCone­month­old Dtwo­month old18When is _ birthday?_ birthday is on June 3rd.AMary;She BMary's;She'sCMary's;Her DMary;Her19We have lunch _ 12:00 at school.Ain Bon Cat Dof20It's time for school.I must go._.ASounds good BSee youCThank you DHappy birthday四、根据人物及其生日信息提示完成句子彭丽媛:11 月 20 日 范冰冰:9 月 16 日杨幂:9 月 12 日 王楠:10 月 23 日岳云鹏:4 月 15 日21_ Peng Liyuan's birthday?It's_.22_?It's on September 16th.23_?Yes,it is.24Is Wang Nan's birthday on June 23rd?No,it isn't.It's on_.25When is Yue Yunpeng's birthday?_.五、补全对话A:_26B:I'm fourteen years old.A:_27B:My birthday is on October 10th.A:Oh,today(今天) is your birthday._28B:Thanks a lot._29A:Oh,yes._30B:At six this evening.ADo you want to come to my birthday party?BWhen is your birthday?CWhen is it?DHow old are you?EHappy birthday!答 案一、1.June 1st 2.September 10th 3.October 1st4December 25th 5.January 1st二、6.sixth 7.5th/the fifth 8.ninth 9.sister's 10.second三、11.A 点拨:根据答语:It's on April 3rd.可知问句询问的是什么时候。12C 点拨:用关键词法。picture 为单数形式,提示前面数词为序数词;序数词前面 要加 the。13B 点拨:用关键词法。根据答语“Twenty.”可知问句是询问年龄。14C 点拨:用关键词关联法。句意:一年有十二个月。十二月是一年中的第十二个 月份。第一个空后 months 为复数,用基数词 twelve;第二个空后 month 为单数, 用序数词 twelfth。15B 点拨:用语法判定法。表达在具体的某一天用 on。16B 点拨:用上下文联系法。由答语 Yeah! It is so fun!可知,聚会很棒。17B 点拨:用固定结构法。表示“多大”常用“数词量词old”,若数词大于 1,量 词用复数。18C 点拨:第一个 birthday 之前应用名词所有格 Mary's,第二个 birthday 之前应用 形容词性物主代词 her 代指 Mary's。19C 点拨:用介词搭配法。具体到几点钟时常用介词 at。20B四、21.When is;on November 20th22When is Fan Bingbing's birthday23Is Yang Mi's birthday on September 12th24October 23rd 25.It's on April 15th五、26.D 27.B 28.E 29.A 30.CUnit 8 第 1 课时.根据句意填写单词。1The last month of a year is_2March comes after_3The_month of the year is April.4There are_months in a year.5When is your birthday?My birthday is_September 28.单项选择。6May comes after_AApril BJune CJuly DAugust7Mom,the beautiful card I made last night is just for your_birthday.Oh,thank you,my dear!Aforty Bfourteen Cfortieth Dfourth8_do you go to school?At 7:30 in the morning.AHow BWhere CWhat DWhen9When is your birthday?My birthday is on_Aten July BJuly tenCJuly 10th DJuly the ten10(2016·盐城)The 3D film The Angry Birds愤怒的小鸟opened in Chinese cinemas_May 20th,2016.Aon Bat Cin Dto.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。11My uncle has_(two)sons.12August is the_(eight) month of the year.13Tom wants_(go) to Kate's birthday party.14Today is my_(twenty­one) birthday.15Jim is the_(three) boy to come to school.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。16你们的生日是什么时候?_ _your birthdays?17我的生日是 9 月 20 日。My birthday is_ _ _18艾丽斯的生日在什么时候?When is_ _?19请你今天下午三点来参加我的生日聚会。Please come to my birthday party _ _ _ _.20你的妈妈多少岁?_ _is your mother?.从方框中选出下列句子相应的答语。( )21.When is your birthday?( )22.Is your mother's birthday in December?( )23.How old is your father?( )24.Happy birthday to you!( )25.When is your brother's birthday?AHis birthday is on October 23rd.BNo, it isn't. It's in September.CMy birthday is on September 29th.DHe is 45.EThank you.补全对话。根据上下文内容用适当的句子完成对话。A:Hello, Kate. (26)_!B:(27)_, Frank. (28) _?A:It's on November 22nd.B:Well, do you want to come to my birthday party?A:Sure. (29)_?B:At four this afternoon.A:OK. Great. (30)_!答 案.1.December 2.February 3.fourth 4.twelve 5.on.610:A


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