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外研版七年级英语下册单元测试题及答案全套 1Module 1 过关测试过关测试限时:60 分钟 满分:100 分题号一二三四五六七总分得分一、单项选择一、单项选择(每小题 1 分, 共 15 分)1Mike often helps me_English.AinBon CwithDof2The kid can't find his mother. That's_he is crying on the street.AwhyBbecauseCwhenDwhat3_There are too many cars in the street.AWelcomeBThanks CSorryDBe careful4Here_ so many trees!AisBam CareDbe5If you do things_, usually you can't do them well.Ain a hurryBfrom now on Cjust nowDat once6These are my pencils. Thank you very much!_AYou're welcomeBThe same to youCGoodbyeDDon't say that7We can use the_to talk with our friends.AcameraBTV CradioDmobile phone8He needs (需要)_ meat.Atwo kilosBtwo kilos of Ctwo kilo ofDtwo kilo9He's _ his key but he can't _ it.Alook for; findBlooking for; findCfinding; look forDlooking; find10_ crayon is this?It's Sam's.AWhoBWhomCWhoseDWhat11They _ photos of the mountains at the moment.AtakeBwill takeCare takingDtook12I have two pens. One is red. _ is blue.AOtherBThe otherCOthersDThe others13Is this _ computer?Yes, it's_. My mother bought it for me. Ayou; meByour; my Cyours; mineDyour; mine14_, let our new student, Lucy, tell us a funny story. AAfter allBFirst of allCAt allDIn all 15Why not _your bag in the hotel?It's too heavy.That sounds good.AforgetBto forgetCleaveDto leave二、完形填空(每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分) Mr. James _16 at the school Lost and Found. He works very _17. Every day when _18 gets a lost thing, he takes notes (记录) _19 it. There _20 pens, books, school uniforms (校服), keys and many _21 things in the Lost and Found. Most of them are the _22. If you lose your things, it's easy for you _23 the Lost and Found for help. But you must tell Mr. James what it is, its color and the day _24 you can't find it. I think Mr. James is very helpful (乐于助人的), and you will be _25 when you find your lost things there.16A.workBto workCworkingDworks17A.carefullyBcarefulCcareDgood18A.heBherChimDhis 19A.inBaboutCtoDat20A.amBisCareDbe21A.othersBotherCthe otherDthe others22A.teacherBstudent'sCstudents'Dteacher's23A.goBto goCto go toDgoing24A.whatBwhenCwhereDhow25A.happilyBsadCangryDhappy三、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)ALost CatPlease help me to find my cat.His name is Fluff and he's a Persian cat.The photo is an old one of Fluff. It is bigger now.Fluff went missing from my home on Christmas Day of 2017.If you find him, please call me at 9184 3568.I'm Jack Lim and my address is:32 Lavender Lane, Singapore 532981.Reward for finding Fluff: $50.00.26From the passage we know someone _ a cat.AfoundBboughtCphonedDlost27The name of the cat is _APersianBFluffCLavenderDJack28The cat may live in _AAmericaBChinaCEnglandDSingapore29If you find the cat, you can call its owner at _A532 981B918 435C9184 3568D435 689130This passage is most probably from a _Amap BdictionaryCguidebook DnewspaperBHouse for Rent(出租)2 sunny bedrooms with one kitchen, $500 one month.Call Mr. White at 5557843.Taxi Driver WantedFull or part time. Call Mark at 5557296 between 9 am and 5 pm from Monday to Friday!Lost DogSmall size. Black and white, short hair. Call David at 5556238.FoundA nice watch.Made in Switzerland.Is this your watch? Call George at 5559767.31.If you want to rent the house for half a year, you need to pay_A$ 500B$ 1, 500C$ 3, 000D$ 6, 00032If you want to work as a taxi driver, you can call _. A5557843B5557296C5556238D555976733_ lost a small, black and white dog. AMr WhiteBMark CDavidDGeorge34You can't call Mark on_. AMondayBWednesdayCFridayDSunday35Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThere is only one bedroom and a kitchen in the house. BWe can know the salary (薪水) of the taxi driver.CThe watch is made in Japan. DGeorge found a watch.四、任务型阅读(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)LOST AND FOUNDFoundIs this your book? Please call John at4953456.LostMy pencil case.It's blue and white.Call Tom at 4568700.FoundA set of keys. Pleasecall Jenny at 4982456.LostA white watch.Call Lisa at 4129856.FoundIs this your black backpack?Please call Mary.Phone number:4765939.LostMy school ID card.I'm Harry.You can dial4872349.根据上面的启事,完成下列句子。36There are_bulletin notices(布告式通知)in the LOST AND FOUND.37Daming lost his keys.He should(应该)call_at_to find them.38_lost a pencil case.39If you want to find your lost book, you can call John at_.40Lisa lost her_.五、情景交际(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)A: _41B: I'd like to be the PE monitor. A: _42B: I'm good at playing basketball and I'm the player in the school team. A: You're great! B: _43A: Me? I want to be the cleaning monitor. B: What can you do? A: _44B: Sounds


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