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新目标 七年级下册英语三单元试卷

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新目标 七年级下册英语三单元试卷

第三单元综合检测题 姓名_得分_ 一、根据句意和首字母填空。 (共 5 分) 1. Let's go to the zoo on weekends. There are many a_ there. 2. D_ are smart and interesting. They live in water. 3. He doesn't want to do any homework and he is l_. 4. The e_ has a long nose and big ears. 5. This yellow skirt looks very b_. i like it very much. 6. We like listening to the music d_ the night. 7. P_ are very friendly, they only live in China. 8. -Where is Qingdao? - You can see it in the m_ of China. 9. I think the movie is k_ of interesting. Do you want to read it? 10. I have two sisters. One is a worker, the o_ ia a teacher. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 (共 5 分) 11. Let's go to the park _(one). 12. There are many _(leaf) on the ground.( 操场) 13. The boys want _(paly) soccer now. 14. Please _(bring) these things to me. 15. Lisa often _ (do) her homework at school. 16. What a funny time _(have) supper. 17. Let's _(take) a bus to work. 18. Bridge Street is a good place_(have) fun. 19. What animal _(live) only in China. 20. What other _(animal) do you like. 三、单项选择(每题 1 分,共产党 5 分。 ) ( )21. My mother usually goes to bed late _ night. A: at B: in C: on D:for ( )22. That little animal is very _. Please don't talk hereA: shy B: fun C: cute D: interesting ( )23. What _ things can you see in the piature? A: the other B: others C: other D:any ( )24. -Isn't Amy tall? -_.A: Yes, she is B: No. she is C: Yes, she isn't D: No, she does ( )25. Koalas sheep _ the day, but _ night they get up and eat leaves.A: at, in B: during, at C: in , in D: at, at ( )26. -Are there any animals in the zoo? -_.A: Yes, there are. B: Yes, they are. C: No, they aren't. D: No, there are.( )27. -How many elephants are there in the zoo? - There aren't _.A: some B: any C: one D: much ( )28. Pandas like eating _ and elephants like eating _.A: leafs, grass B: leaves, grass C: leaf, grass D: leaf, grasses ( )29.- _ do they go to the zoo? -Because they want to see the tigers.A: Why B: Where C: What D: How ( )30. Look! The meat _ on the table. The apples _ in the bag.A: is, are B: are ,is C: are,are D: is ,is ( )31. We are in the library. Please _ quiet. A: can B: be C: do D: are ( )32. Larry likes English, _ he doesn't like math. A: but B: and C: so D: are ( )33. Does Linda want_ the dolphins? A: to see B:see C: seeing D: sees ( )34. The little girl is _ beautiful. A: kind B: a kind C: a kind of D: kind of ( )35. Molly doesn't do her homework_.A: at the night B: at night C: on the night D: in night 四、句型转换(每题1 分,共10 分) 36. There is a leaf on the floor.(改为复数句子。 )There _ some _ on the floor. 37. There are some people in the park.(改为否定句)There _ _ people in the park. 38. Julia does her homework every night.(一般疑问句)_ Julia _ her home work every night. 39. She wants to watch the basketball game.(否定句)She _ _ to watch the basketball game. 40. She likes tigers.(对划线提问) _ _ _ she like? 41. Bill likes dogs because they very friendly.(同上) _ _ Bill like dogs? 42. I like reading English in the morning.(同上)_ do you like _ in the morning. 43. Linda likes some fruit.( 否定句) Linda _ _ _ fruit. 44. He doen't relax ten hours every day.(肯定句) He _ ten hours every day. 45. Mr. Wang works eight hours every day.(对划线提问)_ _ does Mr. Wang work every day? 五、完成句子(每题 1 分,共 10 分) 46. -你为什么喜欢树袋熊?- 因为它们有趣。-_ do you like koalas? -_ they are interesting.47.-难道你不是学生吗? -不,我是. -_ you a student? -_, I _. 48. 不要和老虎玩,它们很可怕. Don't _ _ the tigers. They are _. 49. 他很懒,因此他喜欢睡觉. He is _ ,so he likes _. 50. 那两只狮子来自南非. The two lions _ _ South Africa. 51. 树袋熊很有趣,而且有点聪明. Koalas are very interesting and _ _ clever. 52. 有些动物白天睡觉,夜晚起来.Some animals sleep_ the day and get up _ _. 53. 他很忙,每天都只能休息六个小时.He is very _,and he can _ for only six hours every day. 54. 我们先去看看那些可爱的熊猫吧. _ go to see the cute pandas _. 55. 请安静,这个孩子在睡觉. Please _ _. The baby is sleeping. 六、下列每个句子都有一个错误,请用横线划出,并改正在后面。 (每题 1 分,共 10 分。 ) 56.Let's to go school. _ 57. His father is a very fun. _ 58. Where are the pandas come from? _ 59. The tiger likes eating meats very much. _ 60. My Chinese teacher is very friend. _ 61. Jim often plays with basketball after school. _ 62. Tigers like to eating small animals. _ 63. -What do you like dolphins? -Because they are very friendly._ 64. We study English on every Monday. _ 65. I am usually play volleyball after school. _ 七、根据横线后的标点,连词成句。 (每题 1 分,共


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