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高一英语定语从句练习一、把下列句子改为含有定语从句的复合句 。1. The girl who/whom/that/ I saw yesterday is called Mary. 2. The boy that/who is playing basketball is my friend. 3. The book that/which/ I borrowed from the library was very interesting. 4. I dont like those films that/which are full of violence. 5. This is the factory which/that / I visited last year. 6. He is one of the students who are often late for school. 7. The house whose door faces south is Toms. 8. Workers built shelters for the survivors whose homes had been destroyed.9. Tom has a gold watch whose hands are made of diamond. 10. I will never forget the day that/which/ I spent with you last summer.11. I am going to see a friend who/that has just come back from the UK 12. Didnt you see the boy who/whom/that/ I talked with just now?13. I bought the same dress as you wore yesterday. 14. The eggs which/that/ I bought yesterday were not fresh. 15. The friend who/that came to supper last night was not hungry. 二、用正确的关系代词填空。1.The factory _that/which/ _ well visit next week isnt far from here 2. The man _ who/that _ lives next to us is my English teacher.3. Is there anything _that/_ _ I can do for you?4. Here comes the girl _ whose _ pronunciation is the best in our class. 5. Is this the school _ that/which/ _ you visited last year?6. All _ that _ can be done has been done. 7. This is the room _which/that/ _ my grandmother used to live in.8. Is oxygen the only gas _that _ helps fire burn?9. Ill tell you all_ that/ _ he told me last month 10. The man who/whom/that/ you saw in the park is our teacher.11. We visited the factory that/which makes toys for children.12. Do you know the things and persons that/ they are talking about.13. People all like those who have good manners.14. I dont believe the reason that/which/ he gave us.15. On the train I saw a student _ who _ I thought was your sister.16. This is the very letter _ that/ _ I am looking for.17. This is the best hotel in the city _ that/ _ I know.18. The lady who/whom/that/ you spoke to is a scientist.19. This is a story about a communist fighter _whose_ name is Liu Hulan.20. They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down.21. The speaker will tell us about some writers and their works _that_are known to us.22. I am pleased with the person whom/who/that/ you talked of in your letter.23. The classroom _ whose _ door is broken will soon be repaired.24.I dont know the name of the teacher _who/that/_I saw in the computer room the other day. 25. The scientists are working on a new energy _that/which_can take the place of oil and coal. 26. This is the best book _ that/_ I have ever read.27. I sat next to a girl _whose_ name was Diane. 28. The club _whose_ members are music fans in the school meet in the school garden every Saturday afternoon.29. All _ that/ _ they told me surprised me. 30. The first thing _ that/ _ we must do now is to mend these shoes.31. The lab _which/that/_ _ they set up is equipped with computers.32. We do not know the number of people _who _ lost theirhomes in the earthquake.33. Look at the woman _ whose _ name is Linda. 34. Those _ who _ will go to the park stay here.35. Theres a book on the desk _ that _ belongs to Jim.


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