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译林牛津七年级下7B Unit 3 Main task~Checkout教案

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译林牛津七年级下7B Unit 3 Main task~Checkout教案

牛津 7B Unit 3 Finding you wayMain task & Checkout常州百丈中学费琴华学习内容分析: 在学本课内容前,学生已会识别有关方向的表达方式,并能听指令画出路线图. 本节课在此基础上授导学生综合运用所学知识,能在写邀请函的语境中组织信息并指明路线学习者分析: 大部分学生已掌握本单元教授的语法和词汇,方位及行走路线的表达法教学目标: 1.进一步巩固所学方位及行走路线的表达方式2.了解邀请信的写作格式并能在其语境中组织信息并指明路线3. 复习一般将来时和部分介词教学重点: 复习路标, 一般将来时和部分介词教学难点: 使学生能在写邀请信的语境中组织信息解决措施: 创设情景,让学生参与讨论表演等系列活动,在活动中熟练运用所学知识教学步骤:Step1.Revision 1. Revise the road signs2. Play a guessing game: Ask students to find the places according to the paragraphs.( 8 minutes)Step2. Presentation1. Suppose our school wants to organize a school trip. What should we think about? The teacher provide the students with some questions.eg. When will you go? How will you go there? Who will you go with?etc. Ask them to discuss.(3 minutes)2. Say Daniel and Simon are organizing a big farewell party for the exchange students. They asked everyone to complete a questionnair. Ask students to choose their answers to the questionnair then ask them to check their answers. Then present the results, ask them to read together and answer the questions.( 6 minutes)3. Present an invitation letter and show them how to write such kind of letter. Ask them to try to write down the beginning and the end of the letter the complete the letter.(5 minutes)Step3. PresentationAsk students if some guests dont know the way, what should they do? ( They should draw a map to tell the guests the routes and they should also give directions in the letter. Then finish the rest part of the letter according to the map.( 5 minutes)Step4. DiscussonSay a group of students want to visit our school , now they are in Hongmei Park. Give them directions ask them to work in group of four to discuss how many ways they can give the students.(8 minutes)Step5.RevisionRevise the Simple Future Tense and the prepositions of movement. Give them some exercises.(8 minutes)Step6. HomeworkAsk students to write an invitation letter according to Part B1.( 2 minutes)教学后记:本课教师在教学中设计了一系列活动如猜谜,讨论,小组活动并联系学生的实际生活环境,创设真实的语言情景,激发了学生的学习兴趣教学氛围民主和谐,学生的主体地位得到很好的体现只是家作的处理太简单,最好在课上先作适当的引导7B Unit3 Finding your wayWelcome to the unitTeaching aims and demands:New words: follow, north, north-west, south-westTeaching methods: task-based approachTeaching task: 1. To introduce the topic of places and transport.2. To talk about visits and means of transport using model sentences.Teaching aids: tape recorderTeaching procedures: . Warm-up (presentation)Ask the students on duty to give us a short report about the Sunshine Town. ListeningListen to the tape, answer my question, “Did Hobo, in fact, know the way?” Help the Ss to answer. Listen again, Ss read after the tape recorder, then do some True or False exercises. Check the answers with the whole class.Language points:1. follow me2. go up and downe.g. Lets go down the hill together.3. Dont be afraid.e.g. (1) Dont be late for school.(2) Dont play in the street. Its too dangerous.be afraid to do. be afraid of sth. Im afraid that+从句e.g. (1) The little girl is afraid to go out in the evening.(2) Little Tom is afraid of dogs.(3) Im afraid that I cant go with you. I have a lot of work to do. Main taskIntroduce the topic of place and transport. Discussion (task) Talk about visits and means of transport using the model sentence -Lets go to the zoo.-OK. We can go by bus.Language points:1. The zoo is north of Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.north ofsouth, west, north-west, south-weste.g. The library is south of the classroom.The playground is west of the classroom.2. -How do we get there?-We can go by bus.by air/bus/car/bike/underground.Sum-up Go through the new words and the language points during this lesson. Homework .Review the contents of this lesson.教后记:


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