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2017年七年级英语上册 专题训练 句型专练 (新版)冀教版

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2017年七年级英语上册 专题训练 句型专练 (新版)冀教版

1句型专练一、单项选择1Excuse me. Where's _ school library?This way, please. (中考·海南)Aan Bthe Ca 2It's 7:00 pm. now. Time _ your birthday party.Afor Bto Con Dat3_ name is Lisa. _ is from Canada.AMy; She BHer; SheCHis; Her DShe; She4Look! There are _ on the table.Athree glasses of juiceBthree glass of juiceCthree glass of juicesDthree glasses of juices5_ he like strawberries?Yes, he _.ADoes; does BDo; doCDo; does DDoes; do6Thank you for _ me to your party.Ainvite BinvitesCinviting Dto invite7_ for these watermelons?Twenty yuan.AHow much BHow manyCHow about DHow long8Look! This is our class photo. There _ 45 students in my class. (中考·攀枝花)2Ahas Bhave Cis Dare 9Excuse me, _?It's next to Wanda Cinema. (中考·南宁改编)Awhen is the movie onBwhat is your motherCwho is the girl under the treeDwhere is the bookshop10The black T­shirt is very good on you. And it's only 30 yuan.Great. _. (中考·济南)AIt looks badBIt's too expensive(贵的)CI don't like itDI'll take it二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词11欢迎来到我们的学校。_ _ our school.12让我们带她参观一下学校吧。Let's _ her _ the school.13你想和我一起吃午餐吗?_ you _ _ _ lunch with me?14王梅,这是我的朋友。Wang Mei, _ _ my friend.15你需要得到充分的休息。You _ _ _ enough rest.16早餐吃什么?_ _ breakfast?17李明,到上学的时间了。Li Ming, it's time _ _ to school.18我可以借一本历史书吗?3_ I _ a history book?19他最喜欢的食物是面条。His _ _ _ noodles.20这件外套对你来说太短了。This coat is _ _ _ you.21北方冬天的天气怎么样?_ _ the weather in winter in the _?22这些纸是给你的。_ some paper _ you.23沿着那条街走,然后在交通灯处往右拐。_ _ that street and then _ _ at the traffic lights.24感谢你在那个时候帮助我。Thank you _ _ me at that time.25在你们国家,人们说什么语言作为第一语言?_ do people speak _ _ _ _ in your country?26明天不要迟到。_ _ late tomorrow.27春节是我国的传统节日之一。The Spring Festival is _ _ the _ _ of our country.28你准备好点菜了吗?_ you _ _ _? 29詹妮和我一般大。Jenny has _ _ age _ I. 30今天星期几?_ _ is it today?三、按要求完成下列各题31Mary is picking apples now. (改为一般疑问句)4_ Mary _ apples now?32Today is August 2. (对画线部分提问)_ the _?33There are many old people exercising in the park now. (改为否定句) (中考·重庆 B)There _ _ many old people exercising in the park now.34I feel sick today. (对画线部分提问)_ _ you feel today?35This is my coat. (改为复数句)_ _ my _.36I can see three pictures. (对画线部分提问)_ _ _ can you see?37I want some milk for breakfast. (改为同义句)I _ _ some milk for breakfast.38What's wrong? (改为同义句)What's _ _?39They are talking about their interests. (对画线部分提问)_ _ they _ about?40Sandra likes green. (对画线部分提问)_ _ _ Sandra _?41Jenny has a nice dress. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ Jenny _ a nice dress?No, _ _.42The students are looking at the blackboard. (对画线部分提问)_ _ the students _?43My sister is eight_years_old. (对画线部分提问)_ _ is your sister?44Your handwriting is very good. (写出应答语)_45My father plays sports every day. (改为一般疑问句)5_ your father _ sports every day?四、连词成句 46the, Monday, second, day, is_.47you, any, do, others, have_?48come, from, does, where, he_?49metres, I'm, tall, 1.6_.50much, I'm, better, feeling_.51excited, you, to, I'm, see_.52very, looks, the, boy, funny_.53a pair of, wears, glasses, he_.54are, my, friendly, classmates_.55are, the, monkeys, bananas, eating_.五、补全对话(A)根据对话内容,在每个空缺处填入一个适当的单词,使对话意思完整 (每空限填一词)(中考·泸州)A:Welcome to Xingxing Clothes Store. Can I _ 56 you?B:I'd like to buy a sweater _ 57 my mum. Her birthday is coming.A: A happy mum! What size do you want for your mum?B: Small is OK.A:All right. What _ 58 does your mum like?6B: She likes white. It looks good on her.A: What about this one?B:It looks beautiful. How _ 59 is it?A: Oh, it's 1


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