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七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings Lesson 15 Tall or Short精美课件 (新版)冀教版

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七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings Lesson 15 Tall or Short精美课件 (新版)冀教版

,Unit 3 Body Parts and FeelingsLesson 15:Tall or Short,Who are they? How tall are they?,They are Bao Xishun and his wife. Bao is one of thetallest people in the world.He comes from Mongolia.He is 2.38 metres tall. Hislegs are 1.5 meters. Hisfeet are 38 centimetreslong and 12 centimetres wide. His wife is 1.65metres tall. She is a bitshort.,Who are they? Talk about them.,Yao Ming is 2.26 metres tall. Bao is 12 centimetres taller than Yao Ming. His wife will have a baby. How tall will their child be? Can you guess? Look at the lovely monkey. She should stand up against the wall, head up, put her tail down, stand flat upon the ground. She is 1.40 metres tall.,Do you know how to use the new words?,metre 'mi:t n. 米,-How tall is Mount Qomolangma?-It is 8844.43 metres tall. Itis the tallest mountain in the world.,bit bit n. 小量;少量a bit+adj./adv.a bit of +不可数名词,She seems a bit strange. Give me a bit of cotton.You havent changed a bit.,Do you know the new words?,against'enst prep. 倚着,靠着;反对,违反,1. The girl is standing against the tree.,Do you know the new words?,2. Are you against or for the plan?,3. We will play basketball against the team from No. 1 Middle School.,tail teil n. 尾部;尾巴,Do you know the new words?,This is a beautiful bird with a long tail.,The cattle were swinging their tails to disperse the flies.,flat flæt adj. 水平地,The road is not flat. Drivers must be careful when they drive there, or it may be very dangerous. Workers will build it some day.,Do you know the new words?,upon 'pn, 'pn prep. 在上面,He set the plate upon the table.,Do you know the new words?,ground raund n. 地面,1. Forty or fifty women were sitting cross-legged on the ground.四五十个女人盘腿坐在地上。2. Is there anything on the ground?地上有什么东西吗?,Do you know the new words?,Listen and answer the questions.How tall is Bob?How tall is Li Lin?Is Danny 3.1 metres tall?,1,He is 1.85 metres tall.,She is 1.5 metres tall.,No, he isnt.,Can you ask more questions?,listen and fill in the blanks.Bob is 1.85 _ tall. He is a tall man.Li Lin is _ short.Short, short, tall, tall.Standing up _ the wall.Head up. _ down.Standing flat _ the _.,2,metres,against,a bit,Tail,upon,ground,Strike while the iron is hot.(趁热打铁),The Yellow River is more than five thousand _(metre) long.The man sitting _(靠着) the wall is my uncle.Dont look down u_ others. There is a teacher among three.The g_ is wet after the rain. Be careful.sister, his, 1.67 metres, is, tall(连词成句) _?,metres,against,pon,round,3,Work in pairs. Interview your classmates and fill in the table. Then use the information to write some sentences.Example:My friend is metres tall.He/She is very/a bit/so tall/short.,4,Do you know?,5,* The Silk Road is more than 7000 kilometres long.,Do you know?,5,* Eiffel Tower is over 320 metres tall. It is in Paris. How great it is!,Homework:Read the text fluently and be able to talk about height.2. Do the exercises 1 to 3 on Page 39.3. Write a short passage “My friend/ father/ mother/ favourite star” to describe what he/she looks like.,


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