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What classroom of language of shallow Tan Ying guides is politic

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What classroom of language of shallow Tan Ying guides is politic

精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询What classroom of language of shallow Tan Ying guides is politicpaper keyword guide politic principlepaper summary should assure classroom 45 minutes education quality, the teacher must optimize classroom the teaching method of each education link lets education effect achieve optimal. With respect to its classroom guides and character, it is to should grasp opportunity of the occasional when guiding, 2 it is to should hold 6 kinds of methods that guide or strategy, namely: Stimulate an interest to guide, be concerned about guides, the scene guides, stimulate doubt to guide, demonstrate to guide guide with example, 3 it is to should hold 6 principles that guide, ability makes education effect is achieved optimal. One, stimulate an interest to guideBecause a lot of content of English text are student place is familiar, even textbook of elementary school Chinese has learned some, if guide,enter at this moment undeserved, the likelihood meets the student lose interest for lack of new move to what learning content. The teacher 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询should search the detail that does not know for student place to regard as as far as possible cut a point, in order to attract the students interest. You Resupposedtowritequickly, SECTION2-Unit12, goForit, book3 is to concern how to write E-mailEnglish more quickly. Whole content is longer, how to attract the students interest, let them learn control of be used to happily? The student often gets online QQ, they can go up to the net for certain use acronym is interested. I single out word of the following abbreviate from inside textbook, let them guess its meaning: ICQBTWCSLgr8CUl8rTo above these abbreviate words, the student does not know its the reason why. Taking this kind of psychology that is eager to wanting to know the answer, the student is full of interest ground to be done according to the teachers requirement, finished teaching job smoothly. 2, be concerned about guidesAccording to giving lessons content finds the doubtful point that the student is interested in most ably, let a student diffuse thinking, seek the solution actively. For example: 2a, unit10, goForit, when Book3 attends class, the 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询teacher is revealed only “ Tina enters a classroom, the teacher has begun to attend class “ that Zhang Tu, in front 3 Zhang Fang sky, let a student be guessed after all what to produce. S1:TInaislate. T:WHyisshelate? Interact through teachers and students, unripe unripe interactive, student strive to be the first, thinking is active, imagined a variety of possibility, final teacher guides them to text content to come up again. 3, the scene guidesThis kind of strategy is to show the teacher organizes a few expressions according to education content, let a student imagine this one beautiful setting. This kind of strategy needs the students imagination, let a student insert on imaginary wing, go entering a fascinating world. For example: 3a, unit10, goForit, book1B is the topic of concerned travel. The teacher gives out the following term lets them be become with respect to conjunction of this one topic sentence, connect sentence into piece. Lastyear, onvacation, playwith, saw, watched, ate, tookphotos, bought, interesting, beautiful, hadmuchfun精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询Small combination makes 4 people of student, sufficient mining, talk about optimize, draw up a lot of outstanding good composition. 4, stimulate doubt to guideHere is so called stimulating doubt is to point to apply set doubt, doubt, dispel misgivings wait for a variety of artistic methods to guide the text learns interest with arousing a student. The curiosity of student of junior high school is strong, care circumstance of the life of teachers and students all round oneself, study especially. For example: 3a, unit3, goForit, book3 is concerned school regulations, at this point content student can be very much. Ask about Whatschoolrulesshouldbechanged when me? Major student thinks to want to wear school uniform and confidential of forbidden band hand to change. They have such regulation to pay no attention to solution to the school. The student wants to know the teachers explanation very much. The teacher lets a few students that agree say his notion first, next the teacher is having complement. Finally outside the viewpoint besides individual him reservation, major student can understand. This is teach does not forget Yo person, kill two birds 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询with one stone. 5, demonstrate to guideIn English education, demonstrate to guide the CAI technology that basically uses modernization guides. Discover when us education content size is large, guide not easily with other method again fashionable, we can use computer this kind of modern method. Its collect character, sound, image and animation are equal to an organic whole, vivid and intuitionistic, can the circumstance that activate teachi


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